One of my blog friends is about to give birth, and perhaps has done so already! The suspense is killing me :)

A scary thing happened on the bike path today. It was pretty clogged because a lot of people decided to hit the path on Labor Day weekend. (Which, coincidentally, always makes me sad - it's like saying goodbye to summer.) Anyway, I saw a motorized wheelchair chugging along ahead of me. Those things are definitely dangerous.

A guy on a bike started to pass the wheelchair on the left. Then, without warning, the wheelchair took a sharp left and collided with the bike. The bicyclist fell off his bike, but I think he was more shaken than hurt. Amazingly, the wheelchair person (I couldn't tell the gender from behind) was completely oblivious. No "sorry," nothing. The cyclist stared at the wheelchair for a minute and I knew that if a wheelchair had not been involved, there would have been tons of profanity. As it was, the cyclist pulled himself together, said "Whew, that was close," and continued.


Reighnie said…
I'm with you about Liz. I bet she already gave birth. :-)

My husband is in a wheelchair, he gets so mad sometimes when people walk so close to him. Sometimes people even put their hands on his chair, which drives me crazy even.

My husband drives with his chin and often times he needs to stop because his neck is killing him from being in that position or the control will even slip from him. People will slam into the back of his chair and then be angry with him.

At first, I was shocked when he didn't apologize. It's the most abrasive I've ever seen him. But he says it's their own fault for invading his personal space. I can't argue with that. lol
Anonymous said…
I like that Liz, apparently hours before giving birth, has the good sense to quote Karate Kid.

As for the wheelchair business, it would be one thing if someone was following too closely (as accidentally mommy said), but it sounds like the cyclist was being as courteous as the situation called for. I know everybody should be extra careful around someone with limited movement, but are we expected to read their minds as well?
Lisa said…
I've been checking Liz's site every couple of hours for the past week, hoping for news.
Bearette said…
Well, it turns out it hasn't happened, despite it being Labor Day and all...
Anonymous said…
Ohmyga!!! I've been out of the loop for WAY too have a baby!! Congratulations! :)
Bearette said…
Thanks, Crystal. It's good having you back :)

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