

This suzy said…
I love when babies get a few months old and you can really start to see their features and personalities more. Who do you think he takes after? I haven't really seen many pictures of D, so I'm not sure.
Bearette said…
it's hard to say :) he definitely has my eyes and d's feet, and other than that, the jury is out. sometimes he resembles different people depending on his expression/mood...
BabelBabe said…
chomp chomp chomp....he wouldn't even need any salt or hot sauce.


also, i was also befuddled by I Was Told There'd Be Cake. WHAT was all the fuss about? Eh.
Bearette said…
I know what you mean. I liked some of the essays, but others, i was just like, "huh?"
Poppy said…
Nothing more perfect than a baby and his bunny. :)
Anonymous said…
He looks like he's trying to figure out how to roll over and grab that bunny...
Caro said…
He is so perfect. It's obvious he is thriving and well loved.
Bearette said…
Thanks, Caro :)

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