To pop or not to pop.
My belly button has always been super-deep. As in, it was kind of a pain because it would collect lint and dirt. Sorry, I'm making myself sound very attractive here ;) Now it's getting progessively shallower. Soon it will be watching reality shows and gossiping about Paris Hilton.
I know this might sound weird, but I kind of want it to pop out! It doesn't happen to everyone, but I just think it would be cute. Apparently it can be irritating because it rubs against your clothes. Right now, though, it's still an innie -- just a much shallower one.
I know this might sound weird, but I kind of want it to pop out! It doesn't happen to everyone, but I just think it would be cute. Apparently it can be irritating because it rubs against your clothes. Right now, though, it's still an innie -- just a much shallower one.
My belly button occasionally gets lint as well. I think it's because I also have quite a bit of belly hair! How's that for being attractive?
(Okay, I shave occasionally. But really, it's like trying to move the ocean, drop by drop.)
My friend has a deep belly button and he said that Mr. Fuzzy Button lived in there and that's what all the lint was from;)