Is it bad that I sometimes want the holidays to be over? I'm looking forward to January 2 with eagerness bordering on lust.

I hate the pressure to do something interesting, SPECIAL AND FESTIVE on New Year's Eve. I'm pregnant, for crying out loud. I want to sit in my pajamas, eat fattening food and watch something mindless that I've seen before.

But, as the Rolling Stones say, you can't always get what you want. It is a central paradox of my marriage that, although I test as an extrovert, I am more of a homebody; while D tests as an introvert, he loves to go out. And keeping D in on NYE would be an act of cruelty.

And I'll probably have a better time than I expect. But for now, I'm kind of hating the holidays.

It felt good to admit that.


Silverstar said…
I hear you! It is so tiring going out for all these different things this time of year, plus on New Years there is the whole watching people get drunk which I don't find quite as stimulating anymore, the snow and ice and trying to find a cab after 12. Seems like too much of a hassle to me as well!:)
Silverstar said…
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Anonymous said…
I don't even consider NYE a holiday anymore. I used to be bummed out if I didn't have "plans", but now I have no problem sleeping through the whole thing :) I hope you have a great time going out, but be safe!
Lisa said…
Amen! I hate the pressure to have an amazing NYE, plus the added stigma of being single on NYE. I'm not a night person, and I don't like crowds. But the expectation of having to have NYE plans always weighs on me and has been bumming me out the past few days. And I don't have pregnancy as an excuse!
This suzy said…
I'm with you. I haven't gone to a NYE party since I was in college, and even then it was with people from church, so it was more about playing cards and goofing off than drinking and being wild. We'll be staying in tonight and I'm so glad! lol
Roxanne said…
Hope you have a good time. He's not dragging you down to Times Square I hope. Sparkling ciders all around!!
Bearette said…
Thank god, no!! Times Square scares me at the best of times ;) Though they have good, inexpensive hotels. It's just something about all the neon.
Anonymous said…
WOW! At 24 weeks, I'm feeling the same way. Would love to stay home in my PJs and watch silly old movies tonight, but for A's sake (and because I know nights out will become rarer and rarer before too long) we're going to a dance party a friend of his is having. I'll send you lots of cuddly pregnant lady metta between club sodas. And next year, maybe we can have a nursing party in front of the tele while the boys paint the town a more subdued shade of red. :-)
Bearette said…
Sounds good :) I'm relieved to know you feel the same way.
Caro said…
I'll wear pajamas and eat fattening foods on your behalf. It's a sacrifice, but I'll do it just for you.
Bearette said…
Hehe ;) I appreciate that.
Rachel Federman said…
I so relate to this!

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