So I had a doctor's appointment today. I know - 2 appointments in 2 days -- one with the ultrasound people, one with the ob/gyn. The ultrasound office has better magazines. You know, the super-trashy kind where they talk about Jamie Lynn. I like the doctor's office, too, but they have more highbrow stuff, like In Style.

Anyhow, I'm gaining weight like a runaway train or something else that's fast. If I continue to gain weight at this rate, I think I will gain 45 lbs (total, including what I've already gained) by the end of the pregnancy.


On the plus side, my vegetarian eating has not made me iron-deficient. In fact, I have the highest hematocrit, or something like that, of all my doctor's pregnant patients. So she said, "You're not remotely anemic." Cool, huh?

The kid's heartbeat is still pumping away, I'm contemplating buying blue onesies, and kind of wishing I could see an ultrasound every day -- they are that fun :)


Elsa said…
That's great that you don't have anemia problems. From your postings, you're a pretty healthy-eater which I'm sure helps.

And the ultra sounds are pretty cool - they are so clear for being ultra sounds - you can really make out features. Very cool.
Caro said…
I was going to write the word "ultrasound" on my calendar for December 19th to remind me to see if you were having a boy or a girl. Of course that word would have scared the heck out of my husband, seeing as how he's fixed.

I was just standing in the kitchen, cooking dinner and said, "Ack it's the 21st!", dropped what I was doing and rushed to your blog.

Congratulations on your little man! Those are some good ultrasound pictures. I can't wait to see the pictures of when he arrives. (that is if you are posting them.) I know he'll be a cutie.

Babies are so fun.
Bearette said…
Hehe...yes, that would have scared him ;) But I like that you were going to write it.

I'm going to post tons of pictures :)

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