It's a boy!

So we can't name the baby Ginger, after all. But that's fine. I'm so happy that he's healthy and everything looks good.

A couple of pictures of the little guy:

His head is on the left :)


Roxanne said…
That is sooo awesome.
Bearette said…
He even opened his mouth once while the technician was taking pictures. That made her smile :) I got to see his toes, too.
bdogg_mcgee said…
Yay!!! A mini-D!

I'm so happy for you guys...
Bearette said…
Thanks :) It might look like me, though. I have this theory that people look like their opposite-sex parent. Though I look like my mom...
Anonymous said…
You have a beautiful uterus.
Bearette said…
Lol...I wasn't expecting that one!
Anonymous said…
Liz's comment begs the question: are there ugly uteruses?

Congrats on the boy! You know Slade ( just had a baby boy last May. And what's funny is that I would have imagined both of you would have girls :) Maybe it's your love for pink.
Bearette said…
I thought I was going to have a girl! But I adjusted very quickly :) Maybe if you like pink, it means you have boys...
This suzy said…
Congratulations!! He looks like he has a really cute nose. :)
Bearette said…
Yay! I'm glad you think so :)
blackcrag said…
Thanks for the primer on which end is which. I dificulty telling, even after their born. Can't they put tatoos on each end, 'in' and 'out'. I think that would be useful.
as for the picture itself, I think he looks like you.
Poppy said…
YAAAYYYYYY! Congratulations, Bearette. :) :) :) :)
Bearette said…
BC - that's sweet; thank you :)

Poppy - yay!!! Thanks :)
Elsa said…
Congratulations - that's so AWESOME!!!
Amy said…
A boy - how fun! I have this idea that even though girls might be more fun to dress as kids, etc., it's much easier on women to raise boys since you don't have to fight with a mini version of yourself as a teenager. And Ginger was your g girl name? I didn't guess that one, but it was definitely old school like mine is (Gladys).
Bearette said…! I never guessed. I think you're right; the message boards all say the mother-son bond is very special, and I did think if I had a girl she'd probably hate me when she was a teenager :( I'm very excited...

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