Gah. I got sickish, maybe allergies, maybe a cold, and my Claritin just wasn't cutting it. So I took a Benadryl. They are both Category B* drugs, but I got nervous because I had taken Claritin 9 hours before. D reassured me that it was okay, and it seems to be. Moreover, the Benadryl actually worked. Of course, Nyquil would have really vanquished the cold, but it's Category C and hence out of the question.

Am enjoying The Abstinence Theory Teacher by Tom Perrotta, though he definitely switched from writing about more personal things to Ideas at some point. I don't mind the change entirely, though it can make his characters cartoonish, or at least a little caricature-y. It's like they're symbols rather than real people. The Wishbones is my favorite book of his, written when he was younger, but I guess people run out of that fund of personal stuff to write about and he has settled into a nice groove. The book also has plenty of comedic scenes that you know are going to play well on the big screen. I'm trying to figure out who will play Tim, the born-again Christian with a (kind of) sex addiction and greasy ponytail. Johnny Depp?

*Drugs are categorized based on their safety or lack thereof for pregnant women. Category A (definitely safe) is pretty much vitamins. Category B is the home of most drugs you can take. Categories C, D and X are a no-no.


Anonymous said…
I think it's The Abstinence Teacher, B. :)

What about Dennis Quaid for Time? Is he too old?
Anonymous said…
Tim, I meant. The typos are rampant on Tuesdays!
Bearette said…
You are right :) I keep doing that!

Hmm. Dennis might be a bit too old. I think he's in his 50s. But I see what you mean. His personality seems well suited to the role :)
Bearette said…
I think Catherine Keener might make a good Ruth.
Mz.Elle said…
I did not know that about the drugs..hmm..would have been nice to know when I had my own,potenially drug damaged children;p
I do know that too many Tums can make your kiddos have weak teeth.
Bearette said…
Oh, I didn't know that! I did read that Tums can deplete your body of vitamins.
Anonymous said…
Get well soon.

I didn't know that about the drugs and I've done birthed chillun three times.
This suzy said…
I love Benedryl. lol
Bearette said…
C - thanks! I have much respect for anyone who's birthed chilluns. The delivery part seems scary and monstrous.

Suzy - it is good, isn't it?

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