
Here's the poncho I just finished:

And the stitches up close:

It was one of those patterns where you get to drop stitches on purpose, which was kind of fun. And the yarn -- Malabrigo Chunky -- was a dream to work with.

In other news, T and I are seeing The Jane Austen Book Club tomorrow. We might have banana/blue cornmeal pancakes before the movie :)


Poppy said…
PRETTY!!!!!!!! :) :) :) :)
Bearette said…
Yay! Thank you :)
Lisa said…
Great poncho! I love the color and the pattern.

And I'm jealous that you get to see JABC this weekend. Not that I'm a huge Jane Austen fan. But my on-again, off-again imaginary boyfriend is in it (he plays Prudie's husband). I'll have to wait until next weekend. Sigh.
Elsa said…
Yes, ditto on waht poppy cede said - pretty! I'm thinking that at the rate you're going, there won't be enough days in the year for you to wear all the clothes that you made! :) You are definitely productive.
Bearette said…
Lisa - Omg! I didn't know that ;) Marc Blucas, right? Should be interesting.

Elsa - fortunately I make some presents too ;)
Anonymous said…
So Cute! Good work.

Bearette said…
Thanks :)

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