Thursday thirteen

1. On Sunday night, I came down with a cold, and threw my back out getting up repeatedly from bed to blow my nose. How glamorous.
2. My back has mostly repaired but my cold is hanging in there. Well, the diminished voice part is. Teaching this morning was interesting.
3. I said to one of my students, "See you next Thursday; I hope I'm in better voice then," and she said cheerfully, "It didn't matter, the message got through."
4. She is a kindred spirit, as Anne Shirley would say.
5. I remember in college a friend and I were discussing favorite guys in literature. At the time I picked Heathcliff. She said, "Oh, he's a basket case," and picked Darcy. I still have an un-PC fondness for Rochester.
6. In college I wrote a paper about the Victorian woman's revenge fantasy, citing Jane Eyre, Aurora Leigh and maybe a couple of others.
7. The professor loved it.
8. I've never seen a number of popular shows from the past and present: Survivor, Ugly Betty, CSI, Law & Order, Alias, Project Runway, The Bachelor, Melrose Place, Beverly Hills 90210.
9. I did, however, see Baywatch once.
10. It was with a friend who really enjoyed it; later, she came out.
11. I learned from one source that these are the twelve best foods for you: salmon, oatmeal, blueberries, sweet potatoes, black beans, spinach, broccoli, onions, chocolate, tomatoes, walnuts, and soy.
12. I just don't like fish (eating them, that is).
13. I used to be uncomfortable with my height, but now I like it.


Irene said…
Oh! I'm down with the colds, too. Hope we both get well soon! c",)
This suzy said…
I haven't seen at least half of the popular shows you mentioned, and others I've only seen maybe once or twice. I would recommend Ugly Betty, though. It's funny and sweet. :)
Katie said…
"13. I used to be uncomfortable with my height, but now I like it."

So are you tall or not so much? I'm uncomfortable with being so damn short.

Sorry you're sick!

Grey's tonight! ;)

Bearette said…
Grey's!! Definitely something to look forward to ;) I'm actually rooting for Chris O'Donnell. I don't think he'll win her hand, though.

I'm tall. I think there are benefits of both :)
Lisa said…
Poor Bearette! Feel better soon!
Bearette said…
Thanks, Lisa! Pats to Rowen.
Roxanne said…
I bet it's not easy to do yoga being all stuffed up.

That's great that you're ok with your height now. I was always awkward as a kid (I've been 5' 9 1/2" since 7th grade). I was just complimented today for it by a little old lady in the grocery store. I was hanging one of my flyers on the bulletin board and she said she has people laugh at her when she can't reach something. I told her they should be helping her instead of laughing at her. She said, "You've got it exactly right!"

I only watched Baywatch once, too. It was just a bit too cheesy for me. Plus, David Hasselhoff's overly hairy chest creeps me out. ;)
Bearette said…
it's true, not easy...though i think it actually helped clear me up ;)

i do think it's easier for taller people in many ways...we can reach things, don't need heels, etc. but in junior high, it's just another thing to feel awkward about.

i inadvertently saw david hasselhoff in concert friend got tickets to a kiss 108 concert (boston radio station) and he was one of the acts.
Anonymous said…
We watched the SpongeBob movie with our niece and nephews a few months ago, and David H has a bit part in which he turns himself into a human speedboat. M and I couldn't stop laughing, and now the kids are convinced that we're HUGE SpongeBob fans.

Hope you feel better soon...
Bearette said…
thanks! spongebob is yet another of the shows i've never seen...though i know what he looks like, of course ;) and my friend carpe loves him.
Bearette said…
French bulldogs rock! I went to your blog and saw yours eating an apple :) They are always cute and friendly.
Caro said…
I'll pass on the spinach for now, thanks!

Still worried about e-coli.
Bearette said…
Darned e coli. I really like spinach! But I'm afraid to eat it, for a while anyway.

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