Irene's meme

Got tagged by Irene! Unfortunately, I don't have cool pictures of past Halloween costumes, like she does. But I will do my best :)

1. What's the scariest movie you've ever seen?

This would be a toss-up between Rosemary's Baby and The Exorcist. The crown would probably go to Rosemary's Baby, because I can never watch it all the way through without turning the lights on.

2. What is your favorite Halloween costume from childhood?

Again, two choices: either Garfield or Strawberry Shortcake. My mom was a skilled costume maker. In addition to the outfits, she drew red freckles on my face for Strawberry Shortcake and black cat whiskers for Garfield. I was obsessed with Garfield when I was 7. She also made me a Garfield birthday cake with orange frosting.

3. What would your fantasy costume be for this Halloween?

I'm not sure. Somewhere along the line, I lost my enthusiasm for dressing up :(

4. When was the last time you went trick or treating?

When I was 17. I was at my current height (5'7") and got some funny looks.

5. What's your favorite Halloween candy?

These are hard questions! A toss-up between Kit-Kats and Reese's peanut butter cups. The worst was one year when someone in my neighborhood gave us stale, plain doughnuts. We went home and tossed them off the wall in the living room; they were hard as rocks.

6. Tell us about a scary nightmare you had.

I have some really scary nightmares, y'all. In one of them, a rat was lying on top of me and I was screaming, "Get him off me!" I'm afraid of things crawling on me.

7. What is your supernatural fear?

I don't really have one, though if hell exists, I really wouldn't want to go there ;) Or Purgatory, for that matter.

8. What is your creepy-crawlie fear?

Anything involving rats.

9. Tell us about a time when you saw a ghost, or heard something go bump in the night.

I've never seen a ghost :(

10. Would you stay in a real haunted house overnight?

NO. One of my sisters helped create a really scary haunted house when she was in college. You had to crawl on your hands and knees through passages where the floor was covered with noodles (but seemed like worms in the darkness). In one room, there was a man with a neon noose and an axe. It freaked me out. I was 9 and with my mother, and I wanted them to let us out...I kept saying, "Beg, mama, beg!" (I didn't usually call her "mama"). This has become part of family lore.

11. Do you carve jack o' lanterns?

No, but I admire them :)

12. How much do you decorate your home for Halloween?

Not at all.

13. What do you want on your tombstone?

I'd prefer to be cremated. (This meme is taking a morbid turn ;)

Anyone who wants to do it, feel free! This is a bonus for moms because you can put up cute pictures of your kids' Halloween costumes :)


Irene said…
Strawberry Shortcake and Garfield!!! Awwww...adorable! Go find those pictures, girl. I'd love to see you in those costumes! c",) Thanks for playing along! You did great. Until the next tag! c",)
verniciousknids said…
I remember when I first got into best friend lent me one of her comics...and I spent the afternoon chortling out loud. I was 8.
Bearette said…
I loved Odie too...and hapless Jim ;)
kj said…
bearette, i don't know which is worse: putting on a costume to get candy at age 17 or never carving a pumpkin. i'm just not sure.....
Anonymous said…
I had a teacher in middle school who looked like John Arbuckle...anyway, I'm stealing (liberating) this meme!
Bearette said…
kitkat - that's right, it was john...i mixed him up with jim davis (the creator)!

glad you liked the meme :)
Tim Rice said…
This was fun reading. Your costumes from childhood sounded fun!

But I'm not really a Halloween type person. Didn't even dress up much as a kid; although the couple times I did, I think I made a paper bag mask to wear. Of course I always loved the candy. Usually around that time year my church youth group would have hayrides. I always looked forward to that.
Bearette said…
tim - i'm not really into halloween either, these days. but i loved it as a kid. maybe i should wear a costume again!
Caro said…
I encourage my oldest daughter to trick or treat as long as she wants to.

I think she got some funny looks last year herself.
Anonymous said…
I've been pressured to dress up this year at work. Maybe I'll be a cowgirl-- then I can wear jeans and boots!
Bearette said…
c- good for you! i think they should go as long as they want.

liz-that's a good idea. maybe i'll dress up as a yoga teacher ;)
Perplexio said…
I have to agree with you about Rosemary's Baby, that and The Devil's Advocate (which really isn't scary so much as downright creepy) just make my skin crawl.

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