French fry

Today D and I had lunch at one of our favorite spots, Red Bamboo. They're vegetarian and have the best fake chicken parm in town (perhaps the only one; I think the other place closed). Anyway, a little kid caught our attention during the meal.

D asked me how old I thought she was. I pointed out that she was standing, and could probably toddle around, but she was tiny, so maybe two? When I walked by their table to the restroom, I saw her close up, with a French fry in her hand. She had bitten the top off and was staring at it contemplatively. She was wearing tiny gold earrings (interestingly, so were both her parents). Very cute.

D said then that an infant boarding school might not be a bad idea. They come back when they're toilet trained and sleeping through the night.

I agree. I like kids, and spending time with them. In some ways, I prefer them to adults. But the pregnancy, diapers and sleepless nights scare me.


Amy said…
I could probably handle the pregnancy, but would have no idea what to do with a kid after that :-) I like kids just fine, as long as they are behaving! My cat is a kid enough for me.
Bearette said…
You do have a cute cat ;)
Anonymous said…
I'm with Amy on the pregnancy thing. I think I could deal with that but not the whole having-to-take-the-baby-and-its-accessories-with-me-everywhere thing. No good. I'm all for this boarding school.
Caro said…
I would be all for a nanny!

Also I would like a housekeeper and a cook and someone to drive me everywhere!
Bearette said…
Kitkat - maybe we should start one!

C - sounds good :)
This suzy said…
I love hanging out with kids, but mainly because I'm not responsible for them! lol
Anonymous said…
If we started one, we'd have to make sure to hire people to actually run the place!
Anonymous said…
I think I could handle the first couple of years (not saying I wouldn't have a few break-downs). It's the "forever" part that scares me.
Bearette said…
interesting. the forever part scares me too, but i still think the first year would be the worst...and all the aches and pains of pregnancy.
Roxanne said…'s the empty nest part that scares me.
Anonymous said…
I like your answer, Roxanne. :)
This suzy said…
The empty next used to scare my mom. Right now she's probably wishing she had it back! lol
Roxanne said…
Suzy- I'm sure your mom is enjoying her full nest right now. (especially since she knows her time is limited before you move on)

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