I have a singular lack of things to write about. Here's what's going on in my life right now.

1) I have a new schedule for October at one of the places where I teach. They're a little scatty with details, and their print schedule is, um, a little different than what the director and I agreed upon. So I emailed her and she confirmed that what we agreed upon was correct. The thing is, tomorrow I'm supposed to teach there at 5:30, but the schedule says 4:30. I'm thinking maybe I should show up at 4:30 and 5:30 until they get things worked out.

2) I got some more Billie Holiday CDs. You gotta love the bargain rack at Virgin. I got three CDs at the following prices: $4.99, $6.99 and $8.99. (This is turning into a very numerical post.)

3) D is fasting because it's Yom Kippur. I'm not fasting because I'm not Jewish and you would never catch me fasting for any reason. However, they do this thing called "breaking the fast" and this year we will be going to Teresa's, where I'll get a blueberry and cheese blintz and an arugula salad. It should be good.

4) A former ballerina came to my yoga class today.


Roxanne said…
That would drive me crazy not to have the details down with the time schedule. I'm very time oriented.

Was the ballerina your best student? I would imagine that she'd be able to do all the poses. Unless, of course, if she'd let herself go. ;)
verniciousknids said…
I'm also curious to know how the ballerina coped with your class. How did you know she was a ballerina - did she wear a tutu?!
Bearette said…
roxanne - it is kinda driving me crazy ;) i'm not sure exactly when i'm teaching tomorrow. but i figure i can chalk it up to transition...after this week it should smooth out.

roxanne & vk - she had actually come to one of my classes before, and told me she used to dance in the new york city ballet...she's from nebraska originally. she is one of the best students, although she's a little heavier than most ballerinas i've seen (it's been 2 years since she danced). No tutu ;)
Roxanne said…
Maybe taking your class will help her take off those few extra pounds since her ballet days.

I've checked out a few yoga dvd's from the library. I have one waiting on hold right now that is "Water Yoga". I'm interested to see what it is. I'll let you know.
Bearette said…
i bet it's yoga in a pool...but we'll see!
Caro said…
Does "D" fast during the day and eat at night or does he fast for longer?

I would hate to fast.
Bearette said…
he fasts from sundown to sundown. they go to services at the synagogue for most of the day, and take a rest when they're not there. then they break the fast with a carby dinner ;)
Caro said…
If I went that long without food, I couldn't be responsible for the hunger-induced crabbiness.

I admire that people are that dedicated to their religion though.

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