Target (and turkey) love

Ladies and gentlemen, I have a confession to make. I have never bought anything from Target.

*collective gasp*

Until today. You see, there is no Target in New York. Well, there is one in the Bronx, but it is a bit of a hike, and there's a Target boat that floats up the Hudson at some point...but I like to be able to make a quick exit when I'm shopping. No boats for me.

So I ordered two pairs of boots from!!! Yay. They arrived today. One is a pair of black weatherproof boots with puffy tops. These will bring me so much pleasure when New York is transformed into a snowy/muddy swampland and jumping over puddles becomes a pedestrian sport. The other boots are Uggs...I can feel Liz cringing, all the way from D.C....but they're soft and cozy. I know she can find it in her heart to forgive me.

Also, my latest issue of Yoga Journal told me about adopting turkeys. The Farm Sanctuary rescues them and for $20, you can sponsor one. They send you a photo, biography and everything ;) The article included a gratuitous picture of a lamb snuggling with a turkey. Of course I couldn't resist. My turkey is named Sunflower.

If you would like to adopt a snuggly turkey of your own, the URL is:

We can start a new Thanksgiving tradition.


Amy said…
"I have never bought anything from a Target" -- Bearette, this may be the most tragic line I have ever read, and I have studied some great tragedies. Seriously, the lack of Targets in the NYC area completely baffles me, if they can have a Kmart in Union Square (or wherever that Kmart is, I forget now) then why can they not build a Target? I have often wondered what would be harder to give up if I lived in NYC, my car or my Target outings. I have just decided that it shall be neither, because if I had my car, I could have my Target outings :-)
Anonymous said…
To each her own! :)

I didn't know Target sold Uggs. You learn something new every day.
bdogg_mcgee said…
Did I hear correctly that Target has a boat to ferry people up to the Bronx? Or is it a barge that has products on it to be delivered to Target?

I'm nuts for Target. I was there yesterday, in fact!
This suzy said…
I love Target too, especially when they turned my one here into a Super Target, so I could get cheaper groceries!

Oddly, I had never thought of a turkey as snuggly before.
Bearette said…
Amy - That's true! You could drive there ;) You're right about the kmart in union square. There is a target in my hometown in massachusetts, but i didn't buy any clothes there...i picked out a pac-man t-shirt for d (which is much admired wherever he goes) and a book i never read :(

liz - well, i guess they're knockoffs, since they're only $25 :) i think they're cuter than the real thing, though.

bdogg - that would be cool! sadly, it's just the subway that gets you to the bronx one. the boat is a separate thing; it comes to the city sometimes, in the summer i think, so people can shop there and not have to go all the way up to the bronx.

suzy - i want a super target! i never did either, but the photo with the lamb did the trick ;)
Never purchased from Target?

I am proud of you.

They will not let me adopt a turkey. PETA regularly pickets my house.
Bearette said…
i hope they don't throw paint at you ;)
begins with v said…
I LOVE yoga too!!! It is the only thing that can get my mind off of everything!

Do you mean to say that there is a Target boat that you can get onto that will float down the river while you shop??? That may be the coolest thing I've ever heard.
Bearette said…
Slade- there is, i'm not sure how often it comes though ;)
Michelle said…
I love Target. But I have to be careful, because I'll go there for one or two things, and I'll leave with so much more. Must be something about their displays and cheerful atmosphere...makes me just think, "yeah, I really need this rediculously cute item...and this other thing, too".
Caro said…
I'm used to seeing Uggs. They don't bug me.

How sweet that you adopted a turkey. :P

You can only imagine the turkey biography I am writing in my head.
Katie said…
There's a Target less than 10 miles from my apartment, BUT, I buy online instead. They have such a better shoe collection online than in their stores! I know, it's pretty lazy of me ;)

p.s.-I actually was happy with her picking McDreamy. Finn's statement was right, he's totally going to break her heart again, but I just love them together. I know, I know...I'll prolly be eating by words by the end of the season, but still!

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