
It is definitely the sniffles time of year. In class tonight, there was a whole fusillade of them. (Okay, I just wanted to use the word "fusillade").

On the subway on the way over, a father and child sat next to me. The child, a little boy, was upset because he wasn't on the side of the car where there are windows. (Never mind that we were going through a completely dark tunnel...he wanted a window!)

Child: (in injured tones) Those people have windows.

Father: (sympathetically) I know.

Child: They're not even using them. It's not FAIR.

Father: A lot of adult maneuvers aren't fair.

Child: Adults are badder than kids.

Father: There's more than a smidgen of truth in that.

Then the train went above goes along one of the bridges between Manhattan and Brooklyn...I think it's the Williamsburg Bridge. It is a pretty view. The kid and father stood up and went to look out the window. I was glad he was getting so much joy out of it. I remember when we went to Venice and took a water taxi (we had just arrived), and I couldn't stop snapping pictures of the sunlight reflecting on all the water, and a girl laughed at me. It hurt my feelings...but I kept taking pictures anyway.


This suzy said…
I think it's great when people - kids or adults - can enjoy the little things like that. I remember being in downtown Chicago a few years ago and seeing a couple girls - probably European of some sort - taking a couple pictures of the policemen on horseback. Kinda made me smile. :)
Irene said…
You've just been tagged, dahling! Happy Halloween! :p
Tim Rice said…
That discussion between father and child is kind of cute. And it is always neat when people know how to enjoy the small things in life. Sometimes, they actually end up being the big things in life.
Caro said…
Ah, the injustices of life. I don't think we ever get used to them. We only realize that saying "that's not fair" won't fix it.
Bearette said…
c - so true.

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