Poached pear

Tonight we had dinner with DG at Arqua. Arqua is a special, yummy place that we haven't been to in a while. They serve you white beans with focaccia before the meal, and the walls are a cozy terra-cotta color. Because the walls are "high and unadorned", as the New York Times puts it, the noise bouncing off of them can give you a headache. But that didn't happen tonight.

They had a special tonight of taglierini with truffles ($80!). D asked the waiter, "When people eat the truffles, do they walk away looking as if they had an illicit drug?" The waiter looked dumbfounded, then he got giggly. Later, I licked the plate after eating my poached pear with warm vanilla gelato, and he offered to get me more sauce. DG, who is apartment hunting, regaled us with tales of apartments shaped like boats, complete with portholes, for $6,000 a month. New York rents are something else.

On the way home we saw several Halloween costumes; one of the most noteworthy was a man with a long, shaggy black wig and tight white boxer shorts. He was running. I asked D, "Is he supposed to be a runner or something?" D said, "Maybe he's a superhero. Or just someone who wears underwear."

Speaking of which, did you hear about the Captain Underpants costume that got banned at some school? So much for freedom of expression ;)


SK said…
We went to a get together last night and one guy was dressed as the unibomber. We thought it was stupid. It's not really funny considering that people got hurt because of him.

there were also two dumb girls who pretended to be drunk sorority girls (but they were in their 30's.) We thought they were stupid too.

We chose to not dress up. People probably thought we were stupid. :)

Truffles... I'm interested but at the same time a little disgusted. Have you ever tasted one?
Caro said…
That must have been some good dessert. It sounds like the waiter took a bit to catch the joke. :P

Yes, I read about the Captain Underpants. Girls can wear pants with their butt crack hanging out but that costume is "innappropriate". Yeesh
Bearette said…
Lost - i haven't dressed up after age 17 either. i like seeing some of the costumes, though ;) others...not so nice. D didn't get the truffles last night, but in the past, i've tried them at other restaurants. they taste similar to mushrooms, but with a little added zing.

C - yeah, i think a captain underpants costume is fun! my niece, though, said in an email that it was "inappropriet." she cracks me up. she's 10 going on 35.
Roxanne said…
$6000 to live in a fake ship? I think the novelty would wear off after the first couple of days. Or maybe you could use it as a new pick-up line, "Your ship or mine?"....maybe not. ;)

That pear sounds mighty yummy.

Captain Underpants: Come on. They have the books in the school library. Give me a break. Carolyn's right. Some of the costumes that the girls wear to school are rather on the skimpy side.
Steven said…
They banned Captian Underpants!?!

Gimmie a break...

Bearette said…
i am pleased to see how much support captain underpants is getting ;)

roxanne - the pear was fabulous, i'm still thinking about it ;) i like the new pickup line as well.
Anonymous said…
Mmm... truffles. Something I can't afford to sample very often. :)
captain underpants has serious self-esteem issues.

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