Breaking the rules...

1. I'm posting a Thursday thirteen on Wednesday. Because I can :)
2. Cooking-wise, it's been a blogariffic day...Vernicious Knids' carrot soup for lunch, Lindsay's Asian black bean soup with long-grain brown rice for dinner.
3. I've become a food renegade...when cooking, I change ingredients around freely.
4. I used to follow recipes strictly. When I lived in Newton, I once drove to the supermarket to get cumin. My roommate couldn't believe it.
5. When I told my mother, she said, "Cumin is distinctive."
6. We're having an unusually social weekend. We're getting together with M & M (she's pregnant! due in February) and a few other people. M (the guy of the couple) is one of those people whose rolodex must rival War and Peace. (In terms of length, not upheaval and bloodshed.) Saturday we're having dinner with DG.
7. It's probably good for me to be social; I need to be reminded that I'm an extrovert. My tendency is often to curl up with books or a Woody Allen movie.
8. Or your blogs.
9. I didn't wear bikinis as an adult for a while because I used to wear them when I was 3-5 (my mom's idea) and once the little triangles on top slipped to the side. My mom took pictures. I was traumatized.
10. It's weird, I used to want to be shorter but now I wouldn't mind being taller. Maybe 5'8" in bare feet.
11. I respect Madonna for starting up her Malawi charity,
12. I wonder if Paris Hilton will ever do anything constructive with her money.
13. I saw an illustrated edition of Jane Eyre at The Strand (aka "the crack den") that I was tempted to buy, but I think the drawings might detract from the story.


Irene said…
My husband will weep if I get any taller. We're just the same height at 5'6''. It's a good thing that whatever he lacks in height, he makes up for in cuteness. LOL! :p
Bearette said…
Hee...I always liked short men too ;) D is 5'9".
Amy said…
I suspect Paris Hilton will never do anything of value. Oh, and I love the Strand.
verniciousknids said…
I'm glad the soup worked out for you...recipe schmecipe...I never follow them either ;)
SK said…
What did you think of Madonna's interview with the big O?
Anonymous said…
I wonder about #12 too. I think that's the most annoying part about her and all the publicity she attracts. None of it seems to be for a good cause in any way.
Bearette said…
Lost - i didn't actually see it, though i read about it. i think it's good that she's drawing attention to the cause...fake british accent, not so good (the article mentioned it).

Kitkat - i can't stand her either. hopefully she will fade from the public eye.
Bearette said…
amy - if i ever left new york, i would probably go into mourning for the strand :(
Bearette said…
vk - it ended up taking me much shorter - 1 hr total. this may be because i halved it or my oven is strangely hot!
kj said…
hi bearette! hey, i lived in newton for a long time. we might have crossed paths at b & c.
Bearette said…
hi kj - what is b & c? I only lived there for a couple of months ;) I lived in Danvers much longer.
Caro said…
If Paris Hilton wants to do something constructive with her money, she can get her mouth wired shut.

Cumin IS distinctive. I go through a lot of it.
Bearette said…
C - good call, but it might improve her social life ;)

i have a family-size vat of cumin.
blackcrag said…
I follow the recipe the first time I cook it, so I get it right and know how it's supposed to taste. After that, I'll add, subtract, substitute, and mix and match recipes. After all,that's the point of cooking, isn't it? Fun!

Oh yeah, and edible food too. I guess that's a point of cooking as well.

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