The moment you've all been waiting for...

OK, so that was a bit dramatic. But I'm unveiling my good news now...I picked up 2 permanent classes at a yoga studio! Yay! The subbing has been going quite well (12 times in July), but it's nice to have a fixed gig and build a following. I'm very excited.

In other news, I showed D my novel. I was a little reluctant because the people in it, well, behave badly (hence the title), but he loved it. He thought the beginning was a little rocky and made some helpful suggestions which I have already implemented. Other than that, I could tell he really liked it because he just whipped right through it! He put it down after the first 28 pages or so, and then he picked it up and read right to the end (233 pages, keeps changing as I edit it.)



Perplexio said…
Great news on both your class and novel!

I've started writing fiction again. And one of the "short stories" I'm working on may very well turn into a novel. I'm writing in a Jay McInerney-esque 2nd person, and so far that's working out well for me. But I'm still early in the process

I do have to ask, as one writer to another-- do you tend to write by hand first and then type it out later or do you start out on the computer? And if you start out on a computer, do you leave the spacing as single initially and change it to double later, or do you start out with double spacing?
Bearette said…
thanks :) the second person sounds interesting! i used to always write in longhand and then type it up, but at some point i switched. i type everything now, double-spaced from the beginning. i find it's easier that way.
Perplexio said…
I used to keep a journal, completely written in the 2nd person. This was right after I'd first read Bright Lights, Big City. I wanted to write in that style until it became more natural to me than writing in the first person.

Although, this was around the same time Bob Dole was running for President and constantly talking about himself in the third person. So I did, at times question the sanity of writing second person all of the time.
Ashley Beth said…
CONGRATULATIONS! I've been checking your blog about every few hours or so to see if you've posted the news!
(while at work and already online - I'm not a stalker!) YAY! I am so excited about your class!

Also, congrats on the novel and good luck as you continue with your writing.
Bearette said…
hehe...thanks, NM. I knew you weren't a stalker ;)
bdogg_mcgee said…
I'm so excited for you! You totally deserve it!

[doing the happy dance]
Bearette said…
thanks bdogg!
Lisa said…
Yay on the classes! And on the book! So when do we get to read it? I promise to actually read it (unlike your short story, which is still in my to-read pile, I promise!).
Bearette said…
I'll send you an email...I think the first part could use another critical eye! I want to get the first part perfect.
Anonymous said…
Congrats!! I had a feeling the news might have something to do with yoga, but the novel is a bonus. ;)

By the way, I tried a class that weaves in some yoga on Saturday. It was awesome and I'm definitely going back for more. What hard work, though. I am sore in some strange places!
Bearette said…
it can definitely do that. MY OWN CLASS made me sore today! (i taught yesterday and did some moves i hadn't done in a while.)
Elsa said…
That's awesome on the permanent classes! I can imagine that will be so nice to have your own classes and your own students that you can follow.

And I'm so excited about your novel. I can't wait until it is published so I can buy it. Maybe if I'm lucky, the author will sign it?? :-)
Bearette said…
hehe...i will definitely sign it ;)
Anonymous said…
Wow, congrats on botht the classes and the novel. I am falling woefully behind with my own writing this summer. Do you have any suggestions for how to avoid procrastination? How long did your novel take to write? How much were you writing a day? Sorry for all the questions...
Amy said…
Congrats on both! How fantastic to have a permanent gig, and to be so close to having an even bigger gig with your novel. I just finished a great book about making it as a writer, called "Making a Literary Life" by Carolyn See. Worth checking out.
Bearette said…
Amy - thanks! I will check out that book. I think she has a novel coming out soon, too.

Ashley - Well, I came across this interview with Anne Tyler that really helped me. She is probably my favorite writer. Anyway, she said, "If I waited until I was inspired, I would never write." That was really freeing because I thought - wow, Anne doesn't always feel totally up to the task either. So I would basically just force myself to do it. Also, having a plot outline - even really loose - helps enormously. I tend to write fast and revise later, so I looked on it more in terms of pages then time. Sometimes I would skip days, but most days I would try to write 1-3 pages.
Bearette said…
Oh, and it took a while. I think I started it last August and I put it through a million drafts (okay, i'm exaggerating a little), had it critiqued by a writing class, etc.
Anonymous said…
Congratulations on your novel. Myself, I'm thinking of writing a novel in the second person plural. "You people get out of bed and walk over to the window..." Do you think this is a good idea?

Bearette said…
hehehe...go for it ;)
Caro said…
That's double good news.

I can't decide which one is more awesome.

Hurray Bearette!
Bearette said…
Thanks, C! :)
This suzy said…
Yea Bearette! :)
Michelle said…

Bearette said…
thanks, guys :)
SK said…
Congratulations! Mike kept saying, "I think she's going to announce she's pregnant," especially after the comment on Lisa's blog about sometime in the near future.. I said, "nah, betcha it's about yoga!" I was right.

Wish I was in NY to be able to go to your class!
Bearette said…
thanks ;) it crossed my mind that some people might think that ;)
Anonymous said…
That's awesome news about the class...and about the book! 233 pages?! WOOWWWW! THat's so great. I can barely write two pages before I'm done with the topic and trying to figure out what to say next. Hehee. I can't wait to read it! (Coming soon to a Barnes and Noble near you!)
Bearette said…
woo hoo! thank you :)
kj said…
hello! i've been seeing your comments on elsa and liz' blogs so i hope you don't mind my visiting yours.

good luck on your book. i am in the midst of finishing up yet another revision for a book proposal that will be shopped to a publisher and hopefully hopefully picked up.

it's good to connect with other writers. please feel free to visit my blog if you have time.

Bearette said…
hi kj - welcome! do you write fiction or nonfiction?
kj said…
hi bearette. i write both. the "book" is called good work!--how to choose and find work that matters. i'm "becoming" a writer these days: i write short stories, poems, essays. i'm trying to immerse myself and end up where i want to be! i love it all.

verniciousknids said…
Exciting stuff!

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