I saw this question over at Caro's blog and liked it. If you could pick a decade to live in, which would it be? I would choose the 70s. I like the avocado and orange color scheme, the shaggy hair, the disco, the relaxed spirit, and I think the level of "conveniences" was not yet high enough to be inconvenient. Of course, I might just be nostalgic for this decade because I was born in 1975 :)

I saw DMB last night. I thought they were inconsistent. I loved some of the older songs, and he really did improvise and change them around live, often for the better. But unfortunately most of the songs were from this new album, something about a whiskey king, and were just not my style. Plus, I am a mother now, and started to yawn around 10:30. So I slipped out then. Amazingly, the train from Citifield (where the Mets play, and the concert was held) to Penn Station is only 17 minutes.


Caro said…
I have been watching all seasons of That 70's show and yeah I would like to live back in those days.
Bearette said…
That was a good show :)
Anonymous said…
That's a good question. I think there's something appealing about the 1920s and 1940s: all the dancing and fun clothes probably. I like for men to be men and women to be women. The problem, though, was the fact that the 20s led to the Great Depression and the 40s had WWII. I would not have wanted to be a part of either. Can I just pick out the good parts of a decade?
Bearette said…
Of course :) I was personally planning to skip inflation and the Vietnam War.
G said…
Hmmm...that is a very good question. I'd probably say the 70's as well. People seemed more carefree back then. There's too much stress today!

By the way: word verification = slingsta (hee hee)
Bearette said…
There *is* too much stress today. I wonder if it is a result of all the new technology that lets us do stuff faster...
judy in ky said…
I agree with the 70s. Cool music and funky fashion. We had a lot of fun before the digital age. No computers, no cell phones. The Vietnam war finally ended, and there was no thought of terrorism then. I would be happy to go back there.

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