All about Eclipse

So I saw Eclipse today with a friend of mine from college. It's funny, when I saw the first two movies, I was firmly pro-Edward. This time, I was drawn to Team Jacob. He was just so sweet to Bella, and kept her warm at night in the tent! Edward is too cold (literally) to do that. And she has to die to be with him! That is too much to give up for a guy, if you ask me.

Afterward, T and I went to a restaurant for wine and dessert. She wanted her own dessert, though (not that I blame her), so I ended up having a whole pecan brownie with ice cream. And, um, two small muffins that they brought over in a basket. And, uh, a glass of Riesling. So, in other words, more than I eat in a week. I have food guilt.

Also, I've been having some trouble sleeping. D actually has a hypnosis thingy on his iPod Touch that is supposed to help you get to sleep. I'm going to try it tonight, if I remember.


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