Here's a hat I finished today:

I'm thinking of knitting a yellow cable scarf next.

It's too hot to exert myself much. I had a piece of apple pie with (subtle) crunchy topping and just a hint of vanilla ice cream at lunch. It was delicious.

I watched a movie on Netflix called Cashback. It was not for everyone - too much nudity, for one thing - but I liked the quirky British narrator and how the actors all looked like real people. The idea of freezing time was also interesting.


BabelBabe said…
i love your posts. they're like you just picked up the phone and called to say. Hey,. just watched a cool movie you'd like...or shot an email with pic of E attached, "Just saying hi..."

Don't know if i ever said that before. but they make me happy : )
Bearette said…
Thank you :) I like your posts, too.
Anonymous said…
I liked Cashback. He undressed the women once they were "frozen" so he could draw them, right?
Bearette said…
Yup. I actually got annoyed when he kept stripping the women, but fortunately it was only a small part of the movie.

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