The weather was beautiful yesterday. I had lunch at the Empire Diner, outdoors, with D, E, and some friends. At one point E expressed a desire to be mobile. He pushed his own stroller for a block or so, then we returned it to the table, and we hoofed it down 10th Avenue together. He attracted a lot of positive attention. He passed a table full of friendly gay men with Bloody Marys, and was intrigued by the pretty red drink. "Do you want a Bloody Mary?" one of them asked him cheerfully.

Then he saw a bus stop ad that said "8 Nutrients," etc. He announced, "Eight! S!" Shedding any fear of public embarrassment, I yelled, "Eight! S!" in return. The people waiting for the bus were amused.

Later, I took him to the park, where he found a small leopard-spotted car. I don't know who it belonged to, but E enjoyed playing with it while we were there, and then we left it there for communal use.

I had a revelation. I don't really like big groups. I think one-on-one or a group of four or less is optimal. The exception is family, where big gatherings are not intimidating or impersonal.


I agree less is more... Also no one feels left out or not heard...Nothing is worse than seeing a child/adult trying to get their 2 cents in and being overlooked or worse, not heard. I've witnessed and been that kid where I wanted to say something and couldn't get a word in..
Poppy said…
I love that E yelled out 8 s and you joined him.

The Bloody Mary thing... priceless.

Small groups, I definitely understand. I joined a world/family where I am often in large groups and now I'm so used to it that I enjoy it. I still sometimes get overwhelmed, but a quick moment in a corner or outside takes care of that.
This suzy said…
Not being embarassed in public is AWESOME!! :)
Anonymous said…
Big groups drain me. I always somehow get caught between conversations but not really involved in either one. I agree that 4 is good-sized group.

E is such a great kid :-)
Caro said…
I am just like you I hate crowded area, I will avoid going to the movies just because of that.
blackcrag said…
I just spent a very long car ride with my half-sister, birth-mother and two young nephews one of whom is close to E's age, I think.

With the little one (whom I call Mischief), there was a lot of yelling 'bus!', 'truck' and him asking 'does 't werk?' every time he saw a bus, truck or train stopped.

I prefer small groups too--one on one preferred, but a small group where you can see everyone and have a chance to talk to everyone is OK too.

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