I'm up at the crack of dawn for some reason. Hello, everyone!

I'm liking Alice I Have Been by Melanie Benjamin. She somehow turns Lewis Carroll's and Alice Liddell's sorta relationship...when she is age 7-11 and he is age 27-31...into something appealing and romantic. Really. But then they have their famous rift, in June 1863, and he drifts out of the narrative, and it loses some of its momentum. But, I will read it anyway. It's still good.

Sometimes, just as a side note, I am bothered by the non-anonymity of my blog. I mean, I'm using my Internet handle, but I may as well not be, because my picture is up and many of you know my real name. Some of you have met me in person. Which is all very well and cozy, but does constrain me in terms of what I can say in here. I read a blog once where a woman was crazily personal, and it was fun to read but did feel a bit like a bomb about to detonate (i.e., "I wonder when she is going to be, um, discovered."). Shortly, the blog disappeared.

In other news, I am wondering whether I am going to get one or two, or zero, free books this month from LibraryThing. One of them is the new Emily Giffin book, Heart of the Matter, which is not out until May. She is one of my favorite authors. I hope I get it, though I am probably jinxing myself by writing about it here. (Yes, I'm superstitious....)


Poppy said…
I totally understand about the anonymity things. There are things I feel are trapped inside me that I cannot say on my blog. But that also makes me re-evaluate why I tell the entire world something I can't tell the people who are right next to me... and then I tell the people right next to me. :)
Bearette said…
Good plan. Maybe one of these days you can be the person next to me :)

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