Okay, I seriously want to move to Texas right now. Okay, not really. But I do like Austin...I went there in 2006 to meet up with other bloggers and I'd love to do it again. It's a blue patch in a red state, with delicious food and friendly people. AND it was 80 degrees there yesterday.

What else? I'm still in MA, reading a bunch of Robert Parker mysteries (I like his female protagonist, Sunny Randall, the best), and got to sleep in this morning while my mother played with E. Interestingly, he didn't touch her breakfast - oatmeal with blueberries - and showed more interest in mine - peanut butter cookies from Market Basket. I guess that is unsurprising. I gave him half a cookie of his own.

I'm not really excited to go back to New York, but I guess once I'm there, I'll adjust.


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