Hello, y'all, I'm in Massachusetts and feeling very relaxed and cozy after a cup of black tea with some soy milk mixed in. Yesterday I saw Alice in Wonderland with a friend from high school (although actually, we became friends in junior high, and I saw my first R-rated movie - Child's Play - with her when we were both thirteen). Anyway, Alice was a disappointment - one of those obvious, unsubtle Hollywood movies with forced jokes and no depth - but it was great seeing my friend. She is one of those people who never really change, and it is reassuring. It is definitely a good thing, in her case. One of the most solid people I know.
I also finished knitting my mitten. I forgot how much I hate knitting thumbs. But it is done, and the second one is underway.
I also finished knitting my mitten. I forgot how much I hate knitting thumbs. But it is done, and the second one is underway.