Sigh of relief

So tonight I put E to bed all on my own (the night nanny came, but she stayed in the living room) and he only cried 5 minutes before he drifted off. I'm feeling so much better about the whole thing. He still will only nap in the stroller during the day, but the nanny said that is not a big deal - sleeping in the crib is only important at night.

In other quality-of-life improvements, we got a teeny-weensy, itty-bitty, light-weight Maclaren stroller. Every other parent in Manhattan has a Maclaren...because they're easy to take on the subway. I prefer our Peg Perego (cute, smooth ride, has a detachable harness so E can sit forward, which he loves), but it means that I can only take the subway with D (I'm not strong enough to carry both E and the Peg down the subway stairs). This Maclaren is practically lighter than a diaper bag. So I'll use Peg for everyday excursions, and the Maclaren if I want to take the subway to Central Park, Brooklyn or the pediatrician. Because frankly, 26 pounds is too heavy for the Ergo.


This suzy said…
That's great that E's gotten so good at sleeping in the crib!

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