Dinner pics


Poppy said…

And OMG those EYES! He is so gorgeous.
Bearette said…
Thanks, Poppy :) I like the little bit of broccoli near his mouth...
This suzy said…
So cute! He almost looks a little mischevious in the first one. lol
Anonymous said…
I saw these on FB--hilarious! And what a cutie pie. I too love the broccoli by the mouth.
Bearette said…
it's his favorite vegetable :) he'll eat spinach at an indian restaurant - but NOT steamed at home.
Ashley Beth said…
he is one of the most beautiful babies I've ever seen! ...and he always seems to be happy.

I'm just now getting caught up on blogs after a 4-5 month hiatus. I'm quite intriqued by the night nanny! Smart idea!
Bearette said…
hi AB, welcome back! if she were cheaper, i'd hire her forever - there really is no downside.

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