To have or not to have

So we're already getting The Question: "When are you having another one?" Please note that in my family, 2 kids is a small number. Well, for the older generation. My generation is sticking to 2 kids per family, but anything less would be unheard of.

That's not the reason why I want another one, though. I do love babies. I think they're cute and cuddly and fun. The only real downside is the sleep (sort of) deprivation. More like sleep interruption. But I realize I can't complain. I haven't had a sleepless night since he was born. Even when he was a newborn, he slept for chunks of the night. And he doesn't have colic. Both D and I did, so we were lucky to escape it.

Which brings us to names. We had a hard enough time agreeing on E's name. Names bandied about on the way home: Colin, Conor, Ethan, and Joseph. Neither of us agreed on any name. We have a rough road ahead of us...


Anonymous said…
Rich and I have a hard time agreeing on baby names, and we're not even close to needing to decide :) Did you and D discuss any girl's names?

So far, we've only agreed on Adam and Daisy. I've been wearing him down on Max.
Bearette said…
I *love* Daisy but D does not. I'm jealous!

For some reason we only discussed boys' names today.
BabelBabe said…
Joseph is LOVELY. Colin is nice enough. Connor is VERY popular these days. (Ethan is as well, but I like it more : ))

How do you feel about Eamon? It might be nice with the one you have now.

or have a girl and solve that problem. The trouble with Daisy is how will she feel as an adult named Daisy? I would hate that. Maybe name her something formal and nickname her Daisy. Listen to me, I am the expert : ) Pathetic, yes? But names fascinate me.
Bearette said…
the only problem with joseph is it's e's middle name :) i do like it a lot, though.
Anonymous said…
When we were coming up with names, our first rule was that we didn't want him/her to be one of five Ethans/Emmas/whatevers in the class. Then, is it a name that's good for a child AND an adult? After that, it was the meaning of the name. Then it was a highly scientific process of, huh... how do you like the sound of ______?

I really wanted to name L Charles, which is a name that goes way back in my family, but figured my brother should have dibs if he ever has a son.

Boy names were the hardest. I don't know how BB did it four times. ;)
Anonymous said…
Also- you speak the truth. You think the pressure will be off when you finally have #1, and then the #2 questions rain down on you...
Anonymous said…
uh, I am speaking of CHILDREN in the above comment.
Bearette said…
I know :)
Poppy said…
Why not be eccentric and name baby #2 Joseph E? :)

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