The Christmas that wasn't

For the first time since I moved to New York in 1999, I won't be going home for Christmas. E and I were laid low with the flu or something like it, and my mom came down with a fever and chills last night. So we decided to go in January instead.

I'm a little sad about it, but we decided to make lemonade out of lemons. Health permitting, we might go ice skating on Christmas. It's such a quintessentially New York thing to do, but we've never done it. I haven't been skating in years. Of course, one of us will hold E while the other one skates.

I participated in LibraryThing's Secret Santa exchange, a fun diversion. My Secret Santa sent me Beginner's Greek. I sent mine The Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Society. No word on whether she's gotten it yet.


blackcrag said…
I'm sorry you won't be home for Christmas. I'm in the same boat (sort-of). My sister is with his family this year, so this will be the first Christmas my parents spend by themselves in years, and that saddens me.

I hope you have a great Christmas. Skating sounds like a wonderful idea. That skating rink features in one of my favourite scenes from Serendipity.
Bearette said…
Thanks, BC. I like Serendipity, too.
judy in ky said…
Have a wonderful time sharing the holiday with little E. Skating in Manhattan... it sounds wonderful. Manhattan is probably very Christmas-y this time of year. We are just having gray skies and rain. I'm sorry you won't be with your family, but I know you will enjoy whatever you do with your delightful little boy.
blackcrag said…
Merry Christmas, Bearette!

Hope you have a great Christmas and may only great things come your way next year.
Bearette said…
Judy - thanks for the kind words :)

BC - merry Christmas to you, too.

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