E turns 6 months this Thursday and by all signs, it seems to be a good age. I made it through the mommy & me yoga class today without nursing him at all. Looking at the mothers who were nursing the very young ones through the entire class, I was grateful that phase is over. He also didn't cry at all - except briefly when he woke up from his nap (15 minutes into the class), and he was easily comforted. He is very interactive and even loves strangers. He makes friends on the subway whenever we go to a class. *And* he seems to like butternut squash...unlike his father.


This suzy said…
He sounds like a fun baby! :)
Bearette said…
He is :)
BabelBabe said…
my guys all liked squash as babies - both butternut and acorn. and sweet potatoes, god they couldnt get enough.
can he do downward dog yet? : )
Bearette said…
good, 'cause sweet potatoes are up next!
Anonymous said…
Wow, I didn't like any kind of squash until a couple years ago :) Good for him.

You just provide more evidence to me (as if I needed any) that happy people make happy babies.
Poppy said…
Happy half-year, sweetie petite-y!

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