The great shlep

So I went to the pediatrician today. I chose to take the subway this time instead of a taxi. This involved 3 trains. Yes, 3. Each making 2 stops or less, but still. Yet I enjoyed it much more than the taxi. E prefers the subway, too. People smile and coo at him. (And don't worry, I would never bring him on the subway at night or during rush hour. In fact, he has never been on it later than 2 pm).

I think I enjoyed the trip more because it involved walking (after I got off the subway) and you feel good after walking. Not like a taxi ride when your nerves are singing.

Anyway, I feel like my pediatrician is a mixed bag. She went to a great medical school and she is very careful and thorough. I trust her to take good care of E. Yet we have philosophical differences. She is a big fan of crying it out. She feels that E should be sleeping 10-11 hours uninterrupted every night.

I don't know how realistic this is for every 6-month-old. Sometimes he does do that. Other times he wakes up. Last night I decided not to feed him when he woke up. He went back to sleep after a little comforting from D and ended up sleeping a total of 11 hours, with that one interruption. I don't think this is terrible. Psychologically it is very hard to let your kid cry it out. D said he only had to comfort him for about 10 minutes. And sometimes a pacifier will do it.

I think she is going by the book. I don't think she has kids. Until you have a kid, you don't know what the sound of him crying will do to you.


BabelBabe said…
i let Primo cry it out (took four nights), and Seg (took maybe three). With Terzo we had to go through it twice. And I can't let Q cry at all, which means he's still up three or four times a night (night being from 7pm till 7 am). i figure he will eventually sleep thru, even if its not till he's two. it's funny how a philosophy or what you are willing to do or put up with changes with each kid and over the years....
Anonymous said…
WHY does she think he should be sleeping 10-11 hours uninterrupted? Is it for his health? (I'm really asking, not being sarcastic) At this point I only care about L sleeping long enough that I feel rested and can function the next day.

I'm not against CIO, but I agree- it would be awfully hard to keep myself from responding to him. He's still so young, after all. I mean, I could understand the ped's recommendation more if E were ten and still waking you up at night. ;)
Poppy said…
I think that comment about rush hour was directed at me. :D

I would love to randomly see you two on the subway, it would make my whole day.
Bearette said…
Exactly! I'm not sure why the 10-11, but she's always been hardcore about sleep issues. And I don't think CIO works with E, anyway. He has amazing task persistence when it comes to crying and I would rather just wake up once a night, feed him and go back to sleep than listen to him cry for literally hours.
Bearette said…
Poppy - aww :) I hope the E train is treating you better.
Anonymous said…
Ask Moxie has some read-worthy views on CIO:

But I don't know if you have trouble getting E down in the first place...

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