First snow

E experienced his first snow in Massachusetts. I didn't get a picture of the actual event, but here he is, ready to go outside.


This suzy said…
Oh my gosh, that's one of the cutest things EVER!! He looks so adorable in his little snowsuit! What did he think of the snow?
Reighnie said…
He is so cute!
Bearette said…
He liked it a lot :) My mom held him in front of a shrub and he knocked the snow off the leaves.
Bearette said…
AM - Thanks!
judy in ky said…
He is simply adorable... just keeps getting cuter and cuter! What a little sweetheart. You must be so proud of him.
Anonymous said…
Hee! He reminds me of Ralphie from A Christmas Story, although E can pull it off because he's a baby :)
Roxanne said…
Cutie pie!
blackcrag said…
I bet he had to pee once he was all bundled up like that!

I agree with the rest, he is really cute.

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