So I took the little man to the pediatrician today. He weighs 18 lbs, 13 oz. The vaccines went better this time...he was fine with the first two, but the third vaccine is administered in a needle that irritates them more. (Why not use the inoffensive needle for all three? I don't know, but I assume there's a reason.) Anyway, I was prepared, and quickly put some Tylenol drops in his mouth. He calmed down and went to sleep in the cab on the way home. He's still sleeping!

The cabbie was enmeshed in family drama - his wife called from the hospital (she's been there for 2 weeks) and asked the cabbie to call their 2 sons and have them call her. (Why didn't she call them herself? Who knows.) So the cabbie tracked them down - both lawyers - and said, "I know you're busy, but take 2 minutes to call your mutha."


Poppy said…
*GASP* No wonder he felt so heavy... Very good exercise to build up my upper body strength. ;)

I am guessing the mom didn't want to feel she was imposing by asking her sons directly because she shouldn't have to ask... you know? :)
This suzy said…
Glad the shots went well!

My guess about the mom not calling the sons directly was that maybe it's long distance and she doesn't want to run up a bill at the hospital? (You can tell I'm used to living away from family members. lol)
Bearette said…
Poppy - probably - I didn't think of that. And yes, he does help strengthen the upper body :)

Suzy - good guess, but the mom was in a hospital in Long Island, and the sons were in Long Island and Manhattan.
Anonymous said…
I'm more concerned about the cabbie talking on the phone while driving (?). It's illegal here--thought it was illegal in all of NY. I suppose it doesn't mean people don't do it :)

On another note, I commend for you for enduring the shots experience. I nearly cry when I have to help the vet hold my cats while she takes their temperature (the "hard" way).
Bearette said…
It is illegal, yet they all do it. I had the same initial discomfort.
Bearette said…
Fortunately they haven't done *that* to him ;)
BabelBabe said…
your little stories about moments in life always amuse me, but this one was the best so far. "call your mutha" indeed!

give the Heavy One a kiss for me. i always dig seeing his photos.
Bearette said…
I gave him a good tip just for entertaining me ;)
G said…
Awww...he's getting so big! N weighed in at 18.9 lbs and 27.9 inches long last Thurs. E is quickly overtaking her!! :)

When do you plan to be in MA next? We can meet for dinner if it works with your schedule!
Bearette said…
wow. i can't believe he weighs more than a 6-month child :)

i'll be going home in early nov...
Caro said…
Eighteen pounds, that's awesome!

Call your mutha - LOL. You've got to wonder if they were ungrateful sons or she was a horrid mother. I'm nosy that way.
Bearette said…
I think they were busy working on law deals and she might have been a *slight* pain in the you-know-where. But of course they should call her anyway!

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