E and D

Here's a picture of E and D. It's hard to tell from the picture, but Tigger is embroidered on E's onesie and pants. The set is a gift from one of D's cousins and his wife.


Poppy said…
This suzy said…
Now having seen another picture of D, I'm thinking that E takes after you more. I think. lol
Bearette said…
It's hard to tell, isn't it? :)
Caro said…
I think E has your eyes but you're right it's hard to tell.

I love D's hair!
Bearette said…
I'll tell him you said that :) I think E is destined to have curly or wavy hair, given his parents...
Caro said…
I think you might be right. :-)
Howii said…
Your little guy is so cute! Sorry I've not stopped by lately.
Woops - the last post as "howii" is actually me. Sorry about that - my hubby must have used his account and not logged out.
Bearette said…
I was wondering who Howii was...

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