Music news

Well, Madonna has a new CD coming out. I for one will be getting it. I've been a fan of hers since I was 9.

I also like how she's totally inappropriate at 50 :D

(Okay, she's almost 50; she was born in August 1958. And yes, it's sad that I know that. In my defense, I don't know the day ;)


Anonymous said…
The Almighty Wikipedia says it's the 16th :) You got me curious.

Thanks for the Madonna tip, by the way. I really liked the last album even though I'm not a huge fan of Madonna. I hope the next will be as good.
Dave said…
16 August 1958 - Yah, I know... I don't have a life! :-)

First time to your blog. I will be back! Take care. :-)
Anonymous said…
I bought the last one but I only listen to a couple of songs. Maybe I'll shop itunes. ;)
Bearette said…
But every song on the last one is a masterpiece :D
Elsa said…
I loved Madonna's first "album" and I purchased a couple of her other ones, but I find that as I get older, I purchase less and less CD's (unless they are of Broadway musicals, of course!). I find that I'll listen to it a couple of times and that's it.
Bearette said…
I'm finding the same thing -- purchasing fewer & fewer CDs -- but I will make an exception for Madonna :) I think I was more "into" music in my 20s. I wonder why.

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