So we arrived in Miami today. The flight was, for the most part, uneventful -- though we hit some turbulence right before landing. E seemed to survive it all, though. There was a scary moment in the cab going to the hotel -- a Jeep rolled over on the highway. They pulled some people out of it and everyone seemed to be OK, though they were holding one guy very straight, I guess so they wouldn't interfere with his spine. It was definitely chilling and made me glad that I don't have to drive or be in a car very often.

We got a great room in the hotel. I think it might be bigger than our apartment! After dinner we went to CVS (there aren't a lot of supermarkets around here) to pick up some cereal and other staples. This hotel has refrigerators, which is nice. They didn't have organic milk or the organic version of my cereal, but I figured flexibility is important.

D also got pay-as-you-go cell phones for us...mine has been broken for a while, and his just broke. Mine still needs to charge. His phone is in the process of charging, so he is Skyping with clients instead, which means I can hear their whole conversation. Not too juicy, though.


This suzy said…
I have a pay as you go cell phone because I just don't use it enough to need a full-on plan. Much cheaper that way.

Glad things are going well so far!
Bearette said…
Yeah, it definitely seems cheaper. We used to have Sprint but D thought they were ripping us off. The funny part is, though, I have no scissors here to open the package (D hacked his open with a knife). I couldn't seem to get that to work.
Anonymous said…
I've been contemplating getting a pay as you go phone once my current plan expires (in another year and a half!). My dad works for Sprint, though, so I kind of have to be loyal.

I wonder what it would be like to be able to say "I don't have to drive or be in a car very often." Like, I can imagine not driving in NYC, but I don't actually know what that's like. I'm so envious.
Bearette said…
Hee. I can understand the need to be loyal ;)

It is hard to stay away from cars outside of the city, though. In Massachusetts, I always have to drive or be in a car, b/c you can't walk anywhere (unless you want to walk a couple of miles to the grocery store). It seems like the most dangerous form of travel to me. And so bumpy.
Tracy said…
Ummm... did you say "they" were holding him very "straight"?? I can't help but wonder who "they" are and why he was upright at all. That must stem from Chris being a firefighter. He spends more time at wrecks than fires. And I get to hear the gory details once in awhile...
It does seem strange that you don't have to drive. I have another friend who, when she moved to NYC, I was happy to hear that she would no longer be driving. She was awful. ; )

I love my cell phone but then I don't have a home phone. I'm probably going to get brain cancer...

Now I want to hear about all the FUN things you are doing in Miami!!
Anonymous said…
I was hoping for a Bienvenidos a Miami post title. :)

And pictures, please? It's gray and rainy in DC today... I need some inspiration!
Caro said…
Ooh, have fun in Miami.

I do pay as you go too, TracFone in fact. Works for me.
Bearette said…
Tracy - yeah, I guess that was unclear. Some people pulled over to help, and they helped the man get out of the vehicle. By straight I meant they were avoiding bending him...they kind of held him as if he was on a stretcher, lying down, except they were supporting him with their hands. And he didn't seem to have any wounds, which was good. D said the jeep had rollover bars and that was why the people were ok.

Liz - yeah, I was going to use that, and then I thought, I must've used it before ;)

Caro - I had no idea they were so popular! I like it, too. Especially if you don't use a cell phone that much (I like e-mail better).
Poppy said…
Pay-as-you-go cell phones are really smart for travel!

Glad your flight was mostly uneventful and the people in the Jeep are ok!

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