I went to the doctor today. It was a different one than usual -- they are rotating me among the partners in the practice so I can get to know all of them; any one of them could deliver E (you get whoever's on call when you go into labor).

I like my regular doctor a little better -- she's warmer, and gives more opportunity for questions -- but I'll see her next time anyway. And this one was fine.

A number of good things happened:
  • I didn't gain any more weight. At least that's what the nurse said. I think I gained a pound. In other words, she says I weighed X both this time and last time; I think I weighed X - 1 last time. But whatever, I can't complain.
  • My blood pressure is normal, as it was last time.
  • E is head down -- the proper birth position! They're supposed to be head down by 34 weeks; I'm only 29 weeks and 2 days. I wonder if this means he will be early.
  • The doctor said I "measured perfectly." Starting a few weeks ago, they've been measuring my bump each time.
  • My sugar test was normal -- no gestational diabetes. It only affects 2-3% of pregnant women, but they test all of us anyway. I had the test done last time and they gave me this orange drink. I have to admit, it tasted pretty good. Some of the nurses even drink it when they're thirsty (probably not the best thing to do, since it's loaded with glucose). But they enjoy it.


Anonymous said…
Congrats on your good report card! I think at 29 weeks its possible he'll shift around a bit some more. Our little one didn't fully engage until this week (I'm at 37 wks) though his head was down earlier.
Elsa said…
That's great! Only 7 more weeks - you must be getting very excited!
Bearette said…
Elsa - actually 11 weeks - a dirty little secret about pregnancy is that it's usually 40 weeks long. that's how they calculate the due date, anyway. although in reality he could come anywhere from 37-42 weeks.
Elsa said…
Ahhhh...you're right (obviously). There's actually an average of 4.33333 weeks a month, therefore, 4.33333 * 9 months = 39 weeks. My mistake is that I was using 4 weeks a month - so wrong! Thanks for the clarification.
Bearette said…
I see you are a math person - like hubby. He immediately came to the same conclusion when I told him the 40-week thing :)
Roxanne said…
I'm glad to hear that everything is checking out fine so far. I think we should get an updated baby bump photo with every doctor visit update. ;) (Your last one was just too adorable)

PS: my word verification is cuwbirp!
Anonymous said…
I am getting so excited for you!
Elsa said…
Bearette - Yes, I'm an accounting/finance person. I guess it shows!
This suzy said…
I'm so glad you don't have gestational diabetes. As someone who deals with the regular kind, I can tell you what a big pain in the butt it is. So yea!! :)

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