Damn nesting urge

I used to laugh when I read blogs by women who were about to give birth and frantically ran around cleaning their houses. "Please," I thought. "That will never be me."

As with so many things, I spoke too soon. I still have no desire to get down on hands and knees and scrub the bathroom floor, but I have a strong urge to knit goods for E (I started a sweater for him today, it is very petite and cute) and clear out tons of junk. Mindful of the childbirth teacher's warning to the husbands ("Your wives will give all your stuff to Goodwill!"), I am concentrating on getting rid of my own junk.

I'm performing a cookbook purge, having realized that I only make a few recipes over and over, while other ones will never be tried. My SIL will be the lucky recipient of three cookbooks, and the rest? Who knows. The laundry room? The dump? Some of them are freakin' heavy, too.

In fact, I have a systematic urge to go through every room in the house and throw out whatever I don't use. The urge is powerful and primal, almost like adolescent hormones. I want to get a crib earlier than D does, too. And I'm going to do it! It's bookmarked at target.com, and come late April, I'm ordering it. So there.


Poppy said…
Give extra cookbooks to meeeee!!!!

I wish I had known before my trip to NYC that you were purging, I could have just come and got them. I'm coming back, but probably not until May.
Lisa said…
You're welcome to come purge my place!

Where are you getting your baby knit patterns? I don't have any immediate need to knit baby stuff, but my sister and her husband have started trying, so . . .
Bearette said…
Poppy - Maybe I will still have some then. Who am I kidding, the apt will probably be picked bare ;)

Lisa - I'm pulling them from a bunch of random sources. I made a baby hat from Stitch 'n' Bitch, a baby hat from one of those page-a-day knitting calendars, and booties from the same calendar. The baby blanket is from lionbrand.com; the sweater is from One Skein Wonders. I also ordered a couple of Debbie Bliss baby knit books from Amazon.
Anonymous said…
LOL! I keep giving stuff away too! Your childbirth teacher knows her stuff. :-)
Anonymous said…
I love getting rid of stuff! Now if only I could stop buying more useless stuff too...I don't think you're having that problem though.

I second what poppy said--I'll take your cookbooks off your hands!

I really shouldn't be reading this just 45 minutes after I woke up. I read the title (even though I read this post yesterday) as "Damn testing nurse." Whatever that means.
Anonymous said…
Is D worried about the crib being in the way? I think it's a good idea to get it a bit sooner, just in case parts are missing or damaged and you need to order replacements. My father-in-law just ordered ours for us as a gift, but we have a separate room to stash it in so it won't be a nuisance.
Anonymous said…
p.s. donate your books to your library, if you aren't able to give them away... many publics have book sales to raise money.
Tracy said…
Liz beat me to it... I was going to say give the books to the library. Or to Goodwill. Or maybe there is a program for people who are learning to read... but they might not read the cookbooks right and then there would be some interesting food on their tables... hee hee.
Bearette said…
Liz - yup. We don't have a separate room to stash it in, so it would be in the living room (where E will be). But I talked him into early May. And a friend with a lot of experience is going to help me put it together.

Tracy - yup, probably a dangerous choice for ppl learning English! :)
Bearette said…
Re the library - I checked today and they will take up to 25 books. It's a start :) My laundry room also takes donations (of books).
Elsa said…
Good for you for purging and cleaning! It's a nice feeling once you're done. I don't do it enough myself...maybe because I've never been pregnant! :)
Anonymous said…
Would you come to my house and help ME purge? Pretty please.

You can throw out my junk.
Bearette said…
Hehe. If you lived closer I might do it :)
Bearette said…
"Might" because the urge is starting to subside :) i guess any urge to clean is short-lived with me ;)

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