So I just made an appointment for an initial anatomy ultrasound in 2 weeks! That will put me at 15 weeks, and the doctor said I could find out the baby's sex with an ultrasound at 15 yup. If all goes well, on Dec. 19, I will find out the baby's sex (or as Liz sassily* put it, "the sex reveal").

What else has been going on? I've been putting on weight apace. I read in my pregnancy book that some women put on most of their weight in first trimester (the ones who don't throw up too much), so I'm hoping the pace will slow down. It actually has, a bit...but the amount I eat would still shock my pre-pregnancy self. I'm planning to close my eyes the next time I get weighed at the doctor's so I don't see the little metal blocks sliding into place. (Yes, I'm kind of serious.) Of course, the nurse always announces the number in a voice that would carry to Nevada.

Also, D and I saw Enchanted recently. It was, well...enchanting! (Sorry, couldn't resist.) Amy Adams, who was so endearing in Junebug (she was, in fact, the only likeable character in the whole thing), is a princess here, and this role might make her a star. Yes indeedy. Patrick Dempsey was fun too, and Susan Sarandon camped it up as a wicked queen. I would recommend it for anyone, except one scene near the end was a little scary (for young children, and me).

In a totally different vein, I saw Brokeback Mountain on DVD. You all probably saw this already, but I hadn't, and I liked it much better than I was expecting to. Maybe that's a common reaction because a friend felt the same way. I really like Ang Lee as a director - he has a kind of spare, elegant sensibility. And the scenery was beautiful. Although it turned out to be Alberta, not Wyoming - it was cheaper to film there and Canada had a nice attitude and the mountains were "broadly similar" to Wyoming's. According to Wikipedia.

I was psyched to have the first snow the other day, though it was all gone by the next day. I hope we get some again. I think the sight of snow falling is one of the prettiest things in the world. I always used to take my Cairn terrier (my dog from 1983-2001) for a walk during the first snow. She was a wee creature, but she would jump from snowdrift to snowdrift. The fact that she sometimes fell in didn't daunt her.

*Or saucily. I couldn't decide. Saucily does make me think of marinara, though.


Lisa said…
Come out to Madison. We've got plenty of snow!

Glad to hear that everything is going well with the baby. Although I imagine that your pregnant eating habits are still better than my regular eating habits!
bdogg_mcgee said…
Yay! Glad things are going well. :)

I, too, liked Brokeback Mountain more than I'd anticipated. It was a very good movie, and made my heart hurt.... I'm too sensitive.
Anonymous said…
Mmmm... marinara.
Bearette said…
Lisa - i have ice cream every day!! that's pretty bad, right? ;) the snow sounds fantastic.

bdogg - then i am too sensitive, too, as i had tears in my eyes at the end. i was like, can't these guys get a break?

liz - your post made me hungry! not that it takes much :D and yes, rhapsodizing about food is never condescending :)
This suzy said…
We have a few inches of snow, but mainly it's just frickin' cold up here. The highs the first few days this week were right about 0 degrees F. Zero. Not pretty.

I want to see Enchanted, so I'm glad to know you liked it!! :)
Caro said…

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