I've been reading a number of blogs lately about the vicissitudes of motherhood. I haven't been seeking them out, they just happen to address this topic. Some are on my blogroll, some not. The one I read today was not. It really got me thinking. The writer was saying she didn't know what she was signing up for, the 24/7-ness of it all, the constant sublimation of her needs to those of her children. Of course this makes me wonder: 1) Was I a huge burden on my mother? 2) Should I have kids? As for #1, I tend to think not. Sure, I was sometimes a pain in the neck. But I was the fourth kid, by a long shot, so by the time I came along, there were three older kids to help out with me. Plus the next-door neighbors babysat. And I remember my mother saying, "You always knew how to entertain yourself." She meant that I liked to read, which I hope kept me out of her hair. Sometimes my reading habit made me a little anti-social...I remember my mom invited over a friend of her...