
A while ago, Amtrak called and asked if I wanted to be part of a focus group. I would be paid $100 to talk about my experiences with Amtrak...during dinner hour! Nah. But when we took the train today, it occurred to me that they could use a yoga car. The car would have no seats, and lots of floor space for mats. Of course, they will never do this because they could pack the car with people instead and make a profit. But I think they should! Once I tried doing yoga in the aisle (on a different trip) and a well-intentioned girl asked, "Are you lookin' for somethin'?" So now I'm too self-conscious.

On today's trip, the conductor kept announcing, "Claire Kirby, this is your stop. Get off now," and repeating that with different names. I didn't know they had a reminder service. They did have a number of elderly people on the train who may have asked to be reminded. One of them, a woman behind us, struck up a conversation with D. "Do you smoke?" she asked, out of nowhere. (He doesn't.)

When we got off the train, my niece and nephew came running to greet us. They were both wearing Santa hats. Then my brother drove us all home. Emotions ran high when I asked my nephew if he had a girlfriend. He's in love with a girl, J, and they have discussed commitment and having children. They want to name their daughter Alexandra. The problem is, J can't date till she's sixteen, and they're currently nine. So my nephew is going to wait for her. Romantic, no?


Cherry Popcorn said…
Wow.. haha.. 9 years old and he has a girlfriend. So sweet.. =)
Poppy said…
Roxanne said…
How sweet. :) Now THAT'S commitment.
This suzy said…
That really is a sweet story! :)
Anonymous said…
That's so sweet. I love kids in love. It's so untainted.
blackcrag said…
Merry Christmas, Bearette! I hope you are spending today with those you love, and those that love you(niece, nephew.. yep, sounds like it. And the nephew is quite the gentleman. Very impressed.)

May the New Year bring you enough challenges to keep you sharp, and enough peace to so you can enjoy the challenges.

Take care,
Bearette said…
Leah - definitely.

BC - thanks! that was very thoughtful.

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