Some jokes for you

A man walked into a bar with his dog. "My dog can talk," he told the bartender.
"No, he can't," said the bartender.
"Yes, he can."
"Prove it to me," said the bartender.
The man asked his dog, "What lies on top of a house?"
"Rff," said the dog ("roof").
"Any dog can do that," said the bartender.
"Ok, I'll ask him another question. Who was the greatest baseball player of all time?"
"Rff," repeated the dog ("Ruth").
The bartender was not impressed. He threw them out of the bar. On the way home, the dog tilted its head, and asked its owner: "Maguire?"


What should you do with a blue whale?
Cheer him up.


What is the most musical bone?
A trombone!


Katie said…
hehe...those were a nice little "pickmeup"
This suzy said…
Hee hee!
Caro said…
How do you cheer up a whale?

Do you make him a krilled cheese sandwhich?
Bearette said…
hee! i think he would like that.
Roxanne said…
I have to admit. I don't get the first one. MacGuire? Huh?
Bearette said…
The dog was proving he could really talk...and he thought maybe he was wrong, that Babe Ruth wasn't the best player, that Maguire was.

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