Strange tales

We had dinner with P last night. He's stopping in NYC between London and Ohio...he goes to film school in London. He came back looking thinner, more cosmopolitan and contact-lensed. The weight loss is apparently explained by the quality of convenience food...he says all the supermarkets are like Whole Foods, but cheaper. Not bad. The Londoners want everything organic and preservative-free and apparently the difference shows.

(Which reminds me - on a plane we were served "real cheese" and crackers. I remember thinking the Europeans would never label anything that way...they'd be horrified if it wasn't real.)

Anyway, P is always bursting with stories (he also explained what a dolly-grip is - someone who moves the camera around. Also, the director is seldom behind the camera; they just like to be photographed that way). He told us about a girl he is into, who has a boyfriend.

The Boyfriend is very rich and invited her to live with him and his parents while she goes to grad school in London. She gets a whole floor to herself, so she gets privacy and so on.

Anyway, she was in a black cab, which was hit by a double-decker bus. She and the driver were fine, though the car was totalled. Not wanting to hop into another cab to go home, she called the Boyfriend and asked him to send the driver.

The Boyfriend: No.

So the girl took a cab home and found the Boyfriend in a dark room, draped despondently over a table.

The Boyfriend: I do not love you enough to pick you up at the scene of an accident.

The girl: That's ok, it's not a big deal.

The Boyfriend: No. I realized that I am indifferent.

So the Boyfriend took off, not revealing his whereabouts, and she stayed there, having nowhere else to go, and had dinner with the parents.

Parents: How is the Boyfriend?

Girl: I don't know. We broke up.

Parents: Oh, really! Pass the peas.

She started receiving one-word postcards from the boyfriend, and it emerged that he was brooding at his parents' ski chalet in Vail.

Now they are back together.

Personally, I think P will end up with The Love of his Life, a Vogue editrix. They are getting together on Thursday. But I think it might not happen for many years. They will have a "silver wedding."


Caro said…
If he didn't love me enough to pick me up, I'd want to run HIM over with a double decker bus.
bdogg_mcgee said…
That's just strange...sounds like the plot of a bad French movie.

Which we Americans, utterly lacking in originality regarding filmmaking, would remake with someone like Jessica Simpson starring in it.

Can you believe she's starring in a remake of "Working Girl?" I mean, come on! First of all, that movie isn't even 20 years old. Second of all, JESSICA SIMPSON? She can't act her way out of a paper sack!

All right, I just went off on a tangent there! Good night!
Bearette said…
Ugh. I can't stand her. Then again, I'm not a huge fan of Melanie Griffiths...but she did a pretty good job. Putting Jessica in the remake basically guarantees it will be a bad movie :(

I forgot to mention that he had all his bags packed by the time she got home. So I guess he's a good planner.

P does have the strangest stories of anyone I've ever met.
blackcrag said…
Strange dreams and strange tales. The dream girl's situation is very odd, but I believe the Brits are at least half crazy anyway.

I am not familiar with the term 'silver wedding.' What does it mean?
Bearette said…
D asked the same thing. I was just thinking of a wedding late in life. maybe i got the idea from "silver anniversary"...
Anonymous said…
The boyfriend's behavior sounds very melodramatic. I think she should ditch him and marry P!

Also, can you ask P what the Best Boy does on a movie set? Is that like being best man in a wedding? Inquiring minds want to know.
This suzy said…
Maybe she's just staying with him for his money. lol
Bearette said…
Liz - it's funny, i asked him that too and now i can't really remember. i remember him saying, "it sounds like such a demeaning title, but it's really important", something to do with lighting, and then he explained that even if it's a woman, she's still called a best boy ;)

Suzy - quite possibly! i think she's gotten used to his lifestyle.

and liz - we finally saw the pandas on the slide! thank you...
Bearette said…
I checked An Incomplete Education, my favorite knowledge source...and it says the best boy assists the gaffer, who is the chief electrician.

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