What makes this Thanksgiving different from any other?

The answer is: hair.

This year was our turn to have Thanksgiving with the in-laws (next year we'll be in Massachusetts with my brother's mother-in-law's fabulous pumpkin pie, with brandy in the filling). Anyway, D has two male cousins. One of them has told us in the past, "It would take a weed whacker" to cope with his body hair. So both of them took off their shirts and we compared. It was determined that M was hairier than J; M's chest and back hair was denser, while J's was more artfully distributed. J even had "eagle tufts," small puffs of hair on his shoulders.

How hairy is your man? (Or woman.)


This suzy said…
My Man has a little hair on his chest and a wee bit on his back, but nothing unusual, I'd say. Doesn't bother me a bit. :)
blackcrag said…
I only have me, so I can't compare myself to my woman. I really hope I am hairier than any prospective date of mine. Anything else would be disgusting.

Happy Thanksgiving, Bearette.
Bearette said…
Hee...happy thanksgiving to you, BC.
Irene said…
I much prefer smooth to hairy when it comes to the male chest. I would thus most probably have cringed in spite of myself if I bore live witness to your holiday stripping spectacle. :p

Belated happy thanksgiving, beautiful! =)
Bearette said…
hee! but you would've laughed, too ;)

Caro said…
My husband is not horribly hairy.

I on the other hand, need to buy stock in Gillette.
Bearette said…
C - lol. You always make me laugh ;)
bdogg_mcgee said…
Oh, Gawd. DH is extremely hairy, but then again, I have quite a bit too. That, and red hair skips a generation in his family, so when we have kids, they're going to be a bunch of red-headed monkeys.

I'm not kidding.

Glad you had an interesting holiday! :)
Bearette said…
hee! well, red hair is nice on girl children :)
Anonymous said…
Sorry this is a late comment on the hair issue, but, facial hair aside, I'm hairier than my husband. I guess that's a blessing from the Native American part of him. People have asked him if he waxes.
Reighnie said…
Mine isn't very hairy thank goodness.

Eww, my aunt married a man whose chest hair was so freakin thick his shirts protruded at least an inch from it and stuck out at the top.

Sooo gross.

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