Thursday thirteen

1. I feel bad when I turn down subbing gigs at awful hours. E.g., 6:45 am-7:45 am. I have a permanent class at this place, and I like to allow thirty minutes to get there by subway, so I'd have to leave at 6:15 am, and get up at 5:45 or so. If I were desperate to teach, I'd do it, but not now. Bear in mind I fall asleep at 1 am, *with* the help of melatonin.
2. We tried a new Ethiopian restaurant with D's cousin J last night. It is so new that it's not even on menupages yet. It was good, except for the vegetarian meatballs that D started to use as hockey pucks.
3. I have an old "boom box" that I can't bring myself to get rid of. It stopped playing tapes in 1997 (that is, it began eating them) and it still plays CDs, but it skips and stalls.
4. Sometimes I play Donna De Lory's music in my yoga classes. She used to, and maybe still does, sing backup for Madonna.
5. The other day I patted a dog named Gracie, and two other people patted her in a span of 15 minutes. She was one of the cutest dogs I've ever seen.
6. D says 90% of dogs are in the top 10% for me.
7. In New York, they have doggie is Wet Nose Doggie Gym, another is Biscuits & Bath Doggie Gym. The Wet Nose is better, I think.
8. I told D about Let's Go to Prison. I'm kind of hoping we don't see it. It wasn't screened for critics, which is always a bad sign.
9. D was shocked to discover that Owen and Luke Wilson were brothers.
10. Some agent gave me an enthusiastic response to my query and he's currently reading 3 chapters. Hopefully he will say yes.
11. My college reunion is coming up.
12. Apples are my favorite fruit.
13. I've never been to most of the "fly-over" states.


This suzy said…
I have absolutely no desire to see Let's Go to Prison. I might actually pity you a bit if you go to see it. lol
Amy said…
Bearette - it's funny that you use the term "fly-over" - Ted says that all the time too. It must be a New York & LA thing. I too have an old "boom box" that I just can't get rid of. It still plays well, but I think I have maybe one tape still in my collection. I can't imagine going to a college reunion, but I went to a huge school, and I don't even know if they do reunions. My high school one was enough for me.
Bearette said…
suzy - ha! thanks for the sympathy ;)

amy - yeah, i have nothing against the fly-over states. just a handy label ;) in fact, i might like to drive across the country someday. maybe people only like to go to one type of reunion...i went to my 5-year college reunion, but i never go to my high school ones.
Anonymous said…
It was funny to hear about David using the meatballs as hocky pucks. Not funny that they were bad, though... I just had an email exchange with GG, and I asked him whether he's going to the reunion. He hasn't gotten back to me. I also had an email exchage with NA. Remember him? French major in D Psi? He's now a lawyer for a major firm. He describes his life as a "guilded hell". Yikes!
Bearette said…
guilded, huh? funny. i wonder if he's still in california.
Anonymous said…
I like the name 'Wet Nose Doggie Gym'. Did they have to specify 'doggie' in case people thought it was for wet-nosed humans? :)
Bearette said…
hee...maybe they just want to up the cuteness factor. they have dogs lounging on window seats, curled up on cushions :)
Anonymous said…
I have a feeling Alex wouldn't fit in there. :) His kennel is out on a farm, where he can run and play rough and get stinky.

Plus, if Wet Nose ever got a copy of his permanent record, they'd reject him as soon as they discovered his brief period of... ahem..."acting out".
Bearette said…
Hee. I see a lot of that in the dog parks ;)
Anonymous said…
He's in Paris, actually.
Anonymous said…
I like the Owen/Luke Wilson "shock." My husband was equally shocked when I broke it to him that River Phoenix was Joaquin Phoenix's brother. How many Phoenixes can there be??
bdogg_mcgee said…
D didn't know Owen & Luke Wilson were brothers? Crazy!

You know, I used to despise Owen Wilson, and preferred Luke over him, but now Owen's kind of grown on me. I tend to prefer dark-haired men over blondes, though.

Congrats on the agent response! I'll be sending you good vibes...
Bearette said…
Thanks, B! same thing here...i prefer owen now even though i usually like dark-haired guys better. i think owen is funnier.

my sister *loves* luke, though.
Caro said…
Woo-hoo for the agent.

Boo on hockey puck meatballs.
verniciousknids said…
#6 made me laugh and #10 is really exciting...congrats, I have my fingers crossed for you :D
Bearette said…
thanks! i hope it works out.
Anonymous said…
The Nature of This Flower Is to Bloom
Alice Walker

Rebellious. Living.
Against the Elemental Crush.
A Song of Color
For Deserving Eyes.
Blooming Gloriously
For its Self.

Revolutionary Petunia.

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