Tuesday twelve

1. I've never read a Harry Potter book. I probably never will :D
2. P, who works for D during the summer and is currently in England, left a library copy of the first Harry Potter at D's office. Maybe he bought it.
3. I like bunnies.
4. I used to be really into Britpop - the Cure, the Smiths, Depeche Mode, Pet Shop Boys, etc. - but it's wearing off a little. I like the Smiths and Pet Shop Boys the best of the bunch.
5. I'd like to get my tarot cards read. D is against it, though, as he thinks they are self-fulfilling prophecies. I guess I'm always a bit afraid of what they will say.
6. On the other hand, I think the tarot card readers often speak in generalities that could apply to anyone.
7. But I'd like to know the future.
8. I like the idea of destiny better than free will. I want there to be a plan.
9. Of course, some free will is nice.
10. In history class, in high school, Mr. H explained that Oedipus Rex's destiny was like a box (i.e., he was going to sleep with his mother, like it or not). But he had the free will to choose what he wanted to do, within that box. (He chose to blind himself and wander around in exile...not the best idea.)
11. Sometimes I like to go to people's blogs and read their archives.
12. When I was non-veg, I liked my mother's chicken sandwiches. She would pack them for me when I worked at the movie theater (college summers/winter breaks).


Anonymous said…
I have a set of tarot cards. You can do a reading on yourself, so it says. I just like the "interesting" factor to it. I don't really believe or disbelieve. It's just something to do :)
bdogg_mcgee said…
I like to go to a blog archive and read their very first post. I think it's interesting. :)

You know, I resisted reading the Harry Potter books for years, and then when I started, I couldn't stop, and gobbled the first four in about three weeks. Weird how that happens...
Anonymous said…
Regarding Harry Potter, you should just go ahead and give in. You'll thank me later.

And regarding Tarot cards, I had mine read once and the guy said that I would have serious dental problems in the next few months. And guess what? I did!!!!! Although he was wrong about the other bit. He said I would meet a tall dark guy that I looked up to. Instead I met a shorter, dark-ish guy...that I sort of look up to. (How do you look up to your boyfriend?) Anyways...tarot cards can be weird like that.
Bearette said…
it's funny, i went to pick up a check from a yoga studio and i passed a tarot card reader. i was tempted.
Caro said…
I agree with you on 8 and 9.
Roxanne said…
I'm scared of fortune tellers...for a variety of reasons.

I have a shelf full of Harry Potty books that none of us has read yet.

The whole Oedipus thing always bewildered and freaked me out.

I like bunnies, too. :) (you can come visit mine any time you'd like)

Mmmmm, homemade sandwiched from Mom.
Bearette said…
C - well, hopefully it is that way!

R - hi Roxanne's bunnies!
This suzy said…
I've never read Harry Potter either, nor have I seen any of the movies. Maybe some day, but I'm not in any particular rush. lol
verniciousknids said…
I haven't had my tarot done (is that the correct terminology?) but I had my tea leaves read for fun once - they actually served a wicked morning tea...which is why we went in the first place!
Amy said…
I resisted Harry Potter for a long time, then I was on vacation in England and bought the whole set (only 4 books at that time) in proper English and read all 4 on my trip. I was hooked following. I haven't read the American versions of any of them though, when a new book comes out I will order it through amazon.co.uk to get the real version.
Bearette said…
S - i saw one of the movies...ugh.

A - I didn't know they had distinct american & british versions. interesting.

vk - good to have you back! i stopped playing photionary because it was too hard for me ;)

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