Arrivederci, auf wiedersehen, etc.

I'm going to my little hometown this weekend. There is always a little bit of culture shock involved. Suddenly we have to drive everywhere instead of walking, and there is no longer a gym/library/CVS within a few blocks away. But, on the upside, it is much quieter, and you can see the stars.

My family's Christmas party is this weekend. They rent out a hall, Knights of Columbus or some such, and all 60 or so of my mom's side of the family shows up. She is the youngest of five, and they all had kids, and their kids have kids, so it's a nice, big crowd.

Among the events are Santa (played by one of the men, it changes each year. One year, embarrassingly, Santa had presents for me and D, so we had to perch on his lap, one per knee. I think Santa was my BIL that year) and the Yankee swap. I'm still fuzzy on the rules of the Yankee swap, but it is basically a Darwinian game where people give each other presents, but someone else can take yours away (and give you theirs).

One year my sister's boyfriend brought a fruitcake, to be silly. My niece, who was maybe six at the time, got a lottery ticket and was very excited. Then my aunt got the fruitcake and swapped it for the lottery ticket! My niece started to cry. Eventually my sister's boyfriend solved the problem by taking the fruitcake from her and giving her a candle.

Hopefully no one will bring fruitcake this year.


Anonymous said…
ick... fruitcake! The worst gift imaginable.
Amy said…
How mean taking gifts from a kid! I like that game, but we call it Dirty Santa, and adults only, so that kid's feelings don't get hurt.
Bearette said…
liz - it's true! i actually had a decent recipe for fruitcake once, but i think the commercial kind is always hard as a rock.

amy - i know, it was awful. mom thinks kids shouldn't play. but then they might feel excluded, i guess.
Caro said…
I'd cry too if somebody took my lottery ticket and gave me a door stop, um fruitcake.
Roxanne said…
I've heard some fun stories about similar gift exchanges. I guess you could say what goes around comes around. Bring a fruitcake, go home with a fruitcake. At least he saved the day though!
Anonymous said…
Try bringing a bottle of alcohol. That thing'll get stolen too many times to count.

Or maybe that's only what happens with a crowd of military people.
Bearette said…
C - she also cried when she lost musical chairs at the party another year. she is more robust now that she's 11 ;)

R - that's true!

Kitkat - i suspect it would go like hotcakes. i'm bringing a book called "100 margaritas" or something like that, which i hope is equally popular. it shows how to make all these different margaritas.
This suzy said…
Yankee Swap sounds kind of like a White Elephant gift exchange. Either way, I hope you all have fun! :)
Roxanne said…
Maybe your niece will want the book?
Caro said…
I hated musical chairs too. I was too slow. I NEVER won.
Cherry Popcorn said…
i hate fruitcake too.. i dun know y but i juz do.. they always give during weddings! And i always think it's something else and when i bite into it! Eww..

hehe.. take care!

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