A confession

I went to Whole Foods today, which was one of the dumber things I've done in my entire life. You see, I forgot that everyone has the day before Thanksgiving off, and accordingly heads to the store. With nothing but zucchini in my cart, I found myself trapped in the bean aisle. (I'm making the rigatoni-white bean-zucchini-and tomato concoction that Liz likes.) I couldn't take it any more and I fled. I've never done that before, and I'm sorry to whoever finds it and has to put the zucchini away, and I hope the zucchini finds a good home.

However, it's still better than those who leave used Kleenexes or worse in their grocery carts.

Also, I found out something scandalous about one of the places where I work. I'm finding it hard to keep it to myself. I told D and Carpe, but no one else knows.

I wish I could do one of those "My best friend lives in Canada, and she works at a ____ where they were ______," but I'm not a good liar.

The only occasions when I freely lie are:
a) the ugly baby situation.
b) the ugly wedding dress situation.


Anonymous said…
I'm mostly just curious as to what the scandalous thing you found out is? Hmmm....

And the mere idea of finding icky kleenex in your shopping cart is DISGUSTING. Ugh.
Bearette said…
Yeah, there was one in a cart today. Everyone avoided it.

If someone wants to guess, and gets it correctly, I'll confirm ;)
Roxanne said…
Mmmmmm......two people at the club are having an affair?
Bearette said…
Hee! i thought someone would say that. that was standard at the law firms where i worked at (some partner was always having one), but not here. good guess, though.
Lisa said…
I made the same mistake this afternoon. I foolishly thought that as long as I got to Whole Foods before 4.00, it wouldn't be too bad. Ha!

Have a great Thanksgiving!
Poppy said…
I did not have the day before Thanksgiving off. However, I really should have gone to the grocery store considering we are almost out of toilet paper. :D
Bearette said…
Thanks, Lisa, you too!

Poppy - oh no! ;)
Anonymous said…
Does the scandal have anything to do with sanitation? For some reason I always think of problems with cleanliness first before I think of affairs. Strange, since I'm not particularly obsessed with cleanliness.
Bearette said…
Nope, no sanitation. Well, maybe indirectly.
Lisa said…
Did someone have sex on the yoga mats?
Bearette said…
Nope...but getting warmer. I will give credit for 2 answers.
Katie said…
Happy Thanksgiving!
Anonymous said…
I made the rigatoni dish on Wednesday night! :)
Bearette said…
belle - thanks! you too :)

liz - yay! i ended up making it too, with Gristede's ingredients.
Caro said…
I don't blame you for fleeing the store.

The worst part is how mean some of those people are in the store.

I wonder where they left their holiday spirit.

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