So I'll be making the cardigan that I linked to in my last post, but I'll be using Cascade 220 instead of Blue Sky Alpacas Cotton. I don't really like knitting with cotton - it's kind of stiff and unforgiving. And I'll be making the cardi in a small, not an extra-small. Hopefully it won't be boxy. I just can't envision squeezing into an extra-small.

I considered making the cardigan in Malabrigo worsted, but there was one skein less than I needed. The Cascade was considerably cheaper, anyway. And the cashier (whom I think is also the owner - just a hunch) said she thought it would wear better. Something to do with the ply. I also bought some Madeline Tosh hand-dyed yarn for a hat.

Then I picked up a book called Love in Mid Air - about two people who fall in love on an airplane, with obstacles of course. It looks interesting.


blackcrag said…
Is it still going to be that nice purple-y colour?

Ha! My word verification is 'chick'! And it's Easter!
Bearette said…
hehe! happy easter, blackcrag.

no, it will actually be pink. it's the only color they had 4 skeins of in that, i love pink as everybody knows.
This suzy said…
I love hand-dyed yarn. I really, really do. Really. lol

That's a cute sweater! I'm not brave enough yet to make sweaters, but I'm sure I'll try it eventually. I just feel like I need more practice with other stuff first.
Anonymous said…
There's a vest I want to knit that calls for Cascade 220. Let us know how you like the yarn! Can't wait to see the finished product.
Bearette said…
I've used it before. It can be a little bit scratchy, but I figure this cardi isn't worn right next to the skin, so it should be okay. I think it's a good choice for large projects, because there's a lot of yardage per skein and it's not too expensive.

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