
So I got a letter from the doctor's office saying that E needs more iron, and to call him. D tried this morning (because I would be a nervous wreck) and he's going to call us back, because he wasn't in yet. In the meantime, I'm trying to give him lots of iron. Unfortunately, he digs the foods that are fairly low in iron (watermelon, broccoli) more than foods that have a lot of it (spinach, oatmeal).

D thinks he already might have more iron than when he was tested, because I was still exclusively breastfeeding him then, and now a lot of his nursing sessions have been replaced with soy milk. I'm trying to cook a lot of quinoa and tofu. I'm probably freaking out too much (though inwardly). This is the first thing that has been "wrong" with him; he's only been sick once.


blackcrag said…
Bearette, there's nothing really 'wrong' here either. He's just low in iron; a small dietary fluctuation--not even a defect or a problem. I know good diet is important to growth etcetera, but this is hardly life threatening.

I'm sure E doesn't even feel anything is wrong; he's perfectly happy as he is. Don't worry so much over something this minor. Your stress will upset him more than his temporary nutrient lack.
Bearette said…
That's what D says, too - that it's a minor thing. And his growth is very good...
Anonymous said…
I understand your worries, but he's obviously a healthy boy and I'm sure he'll be fine. our ped told me to start Lion on vitamin drops with iron after he turns one and isn't getting formula. maybe that's an option for you, if you're not using them already...
Bearette said…
That's a good idea. Where do you get them? The pediatrician's covering doctor and I are playing phone tag, so I haven't spoken to him yet.
Bearette said…
I just saw them on CVS's website so D is going to pick them up on his way home. Thanks for the tip.
Anonymous said…
also- you may already know this, but consuming vitamin C with iron-rich foods can help your body absorb more of the iron. So maybe you can try giving him C fruits with the other foods.

I am, of course, not a licensed medical professional. :)
Bearette said…
I did read about that. Thanks, though :) I got the drops last night and I'm going to give him one a day as directed...
Caro said…
I "think" raisins are high in iron. I'm not sure if you give him sugary stuff though.

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