Happy 4th, everybody. I'm just relieved it stopped raining. We might have a chickpea burger for lunch, and tomorrow we're going to the children's zoo with friends who have two kids. They are our only friends with more than one child. I'm a little stressed right now because I have to wean E at some point (I probably shouldn't nurse him forever), but it's bound to be difficult. I also need to get him in his crib for good - I read that you really shouldn't co-sleep after weaning.


Poppy said…
Mmmm, chickpea burger. Do you make them or is there a brand of those??

Happy 4th! Hope you have fun at the zoo!
Bearette said…
Thanks! I have made them in the past, but the type we usually eat is at Dumont Burger in Williamsburg, Brooklyn.
Caro said…
You can nurse until the cows come home and I'll never criticize. :-)

I wish I could trade our too hot weather for some rain.

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